52. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne | The Odyssey Online
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55 Songs Nostalgic Millennials Who Are Going Through A Breakup Should Grab The Aux For ASAP

Alexa, play "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls.

55 Songs Nostalgic Millennials Who Are Going Through A Breakup Should Grab The Aux For ASAP
The CW

If you're going through a breakup and are need of a little music therapy, here are 55 songs that sit on my breakup Spotify playlist that are bound to make me cry, feel angry, or feel like a boss ass b*tch.

1. Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

2. Boston - Augustana

3. According to you -Orianthi

4. Easy - Rascal Flatts ft. Natasha Bedingfield

5. Epilogue - Harry Marshall

6. Sign of The Times -Harry Styles

7. Somethin' Bad - Carrie Underwood ft. Miranda Lambert

8. Mamas Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert

9. Drunk Me - Mitchell Tenpenny

10. Somethings Gotta Give -Camilla Cabello

11. Miss You - Louis Tomlinson

12. Worst in Me - Julia Michaels

13. M'kenzy Rayne - Harry Marshall

14. Flicker - Niall Horan

15. New Year's Day - Taylor Swift

16. Waves - Dean Lewis

17. The Scientist - Coldplay

18. Name - The Goo Goo Dolls

19. Until You Were Gone - Chainsmokers

20. New - Daya

21. Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran

22. All You Had To Do Was Stay - Taylor Swift

23. At My Best - Machine Gun

24. Gotta Be You - One Direction

25. Goodbye - Khristina Debarge

26. Say - Dan & Shay ft. Raelynn

27. A Little Too Much - Shawn Mendes

28. You Broke Up With Me - Walker Hayes

29. Break From Love -Trey Songz

30. Everything in Between - Michael Ray

31. Get To You - Michael Ray

32.  From The Ground Up - Dan+Shay

33. Let It Go - James Bay

34. Yours And Mine - St. Pete Holland

35. Boys Like You - Anna Clendening

36. Someone Like You - Adele

37. River of Tears - Alessia Cara

38. Amnesia - 5SOS

39. Jealous - Labrinth

40. Thank u, next - Ariana Grande

41. Still Into You - Paramore

42. I Won't Give Up - Jason Maraz

43. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

44. Dancing On My Own - Callum Scott

45. This Town - Niall Horan

46. Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift

47. Adore You - Miley Cyrus

48. I Fall Apart - Post Malone

49. Sorry - Halsey

50. Chasing Pavements - Adele

51. RIP - Olivia O'Brien

52. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

53. Trust Issues - Olivia O-Brien

54. Want U Back - Cher Lloyd (Boyce Avenue)

55. Goodbye - Lisa Cimorelli

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