Have an important interview coming up? Here are some tips to help you get the job...
1. Dress Appropriately
No shorts or t-shirts allowed.
2. Bring a Copy of Your Resume
If you have a degree, either from high school or college, put that on there. You can also list classes you have taken that will help you in the specific position you are applying for. Also, be sure to list prior work experience and references.
3. Be Prepared to pitch yourself
Who are you and why do you deserve this position? Bonus question: how can you improve the company/business you are applying for?
4. Practice answering basic questions ahead of time
Questions like "do you have experience working in this field?" "how do you feel you would benefit the company?" "What are you looking to get out of working here?"
5. Have a Positive Attitude
Be excited and smile!
6. Do Your Research
Before your interview, do some research into what the company does as well as the duties and requirements necessary for the position you are interviewing for. Don't walk in the door ignorant. It is even better if you are able to ask some questions about the job or company during your interview, so prepare some ahead of time.
7. Be On Time or Early
Whatever you do, do not be late. It gives off the impression that your time is more important than theirs.
8. Stay Calm
Don't get frazzled. Even if you mess up, just correct yourself and move on. You are human. It happens.
Good luck on your future interviews!