The day is just like any other. You're driving down the street and thinking about the week you have a head of you. Is that big test this week or next? When was the last time you vacuumed your floor? Did you remember to feed your fish today?
All of sudden, the radio spits out a new tune. What is this masterpiece? You've never heard it before! As you listen, you fall more and more in love with the chord choices and melodic arrangement.
You have no choice. You must download this beauty onto your music-playing device.
There's only one problem: you don't know what this is!
When faced with this situation, you follow one of three options: First, you could wait until the song is over and, if you're lucky, the DJ will announce the artist and title.
Second, you could also visit the homepage of the radio station and see if they have a playlist of everything played within the hour, but what if they don't have one or there are multiple unfamiliar songs listed?
The third option is to ask "Hey Siri, what's this song?" I use this ALL THE TIME and then screen-shot the convo with the intention of looking it up later and/or adding it to my iPhone. My photos are filled with screen-shot after screen-shot of songs I have saved and forgot about. If you don't have an iPhone, you can also use Shazam, which is the same company Siri uses to identify music.
Today, for the sake of music and my phone's memory storage, I am presenting a playlist of all the songs I have asked Siri to identify since the beginning of my phone's existence.