Have you ever thought, "gee, I could really use a nap right now"? Of course you have. If you're reading this, you are probably a college student procrastinating all that homework and studying by scrolling through Facebook and reading articles written by writers who are also tired, procrastinating college students such as yours truly. Well friends, that procrastination usually results in an epic, study-free, relaxing, fantastic nap. However, not all naps are created equal, so here is my list of the best naps you can possibly take.
1. The Seventh Inning Sleep
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Have you ever slept through a baseball game? No, not at an actual baseball game; I mean a nap while your favorite team is playing on your TV and it's just unexciting enough that you pass out during the bottom of the third inning and wake up in the top of the eighth. You generally see all of the important parts of the game and you get a good hour catnap in just in time to see who won. This is nap perfection, folks.
2. The Food Network Nod-Off
This nap works for any food or cooking related show really, but a personal favorite is "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives." You glide in and out of sleep, and every time you awaken, there is food present on your TV for your viewing pleasure. It's a life-changing experience, I swear.
No matter how uncomfortable you may appear, how strange of a place you're in, or how loud it may be, this style of nap comes upon you once in a great while when you least expect it. Maybe you're in the middle of a lecture, doing something important, haven't slept for four days straight, or just happen to find a comfortable spot at a party. Whatever it may be, just accept the nap. Odds are you need it, and it needs you, too.
4. The Snore-Worthy Movie
There are certain movies that you've seen two hundred times and are played consistently on TBS at 1:00 a.m. Once you put it on, there's no way you're going to stay awake. Try as you may, this movie is so comforting, like an old friend that you just have to accept it and pass out on your couch. By the time you wake up, infomercials are probably on and it's time for a full night's sleep.
5. The Road Trip Doze
Road trips are fun and all, but you have to sleep at some point. You claim the backseat, sprawl across its entirety, and fall asleep to whatever mix CD you have playing. No lie, I've had some of my best naps somewhere in Indiana.
6. The Too Much To Do Nap
Ever had so much to do that instead you just take a nap for three hours? Yeah, me too.
7. The Nothing-To-Do Snooze
Ever had nothing at all to do so you take a nap for three hours? Yeah, me too.
8. The Planned Siesta
If you truly have to be productive, you just schedule a nap for the next day. That's what gets you through all of the productivity and effort: the night-light at the end of the tunnel.
9. The Tomorrowland Sleep
This is the nap that is supposed to be "just five minutes" and then you wake up 12 hours later and it's tomorrow. Oops.
Naps are the bomb.com, no matter what kind of nap. Some naps are superior to others, but all naps are special in their own way. So go ahead, avoid that project, and take a nap. Or finish it, and then take a nap. Whatever nap floats your boat, man.