Wanting to be healthy and fit is everyone's goal in life. If you are anything like me, then passing on a taco ain't easy. Growing up Hispanic means a lot of tortillas. Tortillas with egg, tortillas with baloney, tortillas with cheese, tortillas with butter...you get the point and the list goes on. Gaining weight is easy! Losing weight is tough and I mean tough! You are always busy at school, then work and get out and finally start on your home work…and my friends, we all know it doesn't end there. There are tests we have to study for, meetings and organizations to attend to and our social life over all. What about our 'me' time? Seems like the clock turns a lot faster when we are in school and time flies by in a blink of an eye!
Here are some tips on how to stay fit and healthy while still getting your 4.0 GPA in school and having a good social life!
1. Change your daily routines.
Wake up every morning with a smile and start everyday with a glass of water with squeezed lemon!
It's a great source of vitamin C.
Helps weight loss.
Improves your digestion.
Balances pH levels.
Simple right?
Continue off the day with a water bottle. Keep hydrated! And don’t be afraid to add more fruit into your fresh water!
2. Exercise while watching Netflix.
I know how it is. Getting home after a long day of work and school all you want to do is watch some Netflix, shower and go to sleep. We have all been here! But there is a way to stay healthy white watching your favorite show, whether it's "Gossip Girl" or "Friends," you can stay healthy! Sit-ups, jumping jacks, calf raises, squats, lunges, bicycle, jumping squats and so much more!
Be sure to watch and follow home workouts! Don't forget to stretch!
3. Go to the REC!
Having a gym at our University is something we need to take advantage of! There is so much you can do! Giving up your favorite show on Netflix for an hour isn’t going to do any harm and working out is going to feel so much more satisfying! You can do weight training or take fitness classes, and if you really want to stay on top of the game, then you can even hire a fitness trainer!
Fitness classes I love and you will to!
Zumba -- I love to dance and all though zumba doesn't give me an extra muscle, I do get a good sweat in. But dancing can't be the only thing you do! But if it’s the only thing you like, then be proud because you are getting your body moving!
Step-And-Tone -- This class is killer! You sweat and build muscle!It’s like dancing, lifting weights and choreography all in one!
Yoga --Yoga isn’t easy, but it is so relaxing. You make contact with every muscle in your body and once your are done, you feel new again!
AB Class -- It is a 20 minute workout session and believe me, it burns! If you are the type to stop after a little burn, then this class will motivate you to finish. You will thank your instructor later when you see your love-handles disappear and turn to muscle!
Synergy --Like building up muscle and strength? This is the class for you!
Synergy targets different exercises that help you get a full body work out and lose weight all while weight training! You get the best of both worlds!
4. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!
This is what college students get the least of, but it’s also the most important!
Show of hands if you’ve ever stayed up way too late texting with friends, catching up on your favorite Netflix series, finding new things to pin on Pinterest or going through Instagram profiles of people you want to be like? Yep, plenty of us are guilty as charged — and as a result of our late nights, we wake up like zombies the very next morning and it isn’t pretty!
Sleeping early will help you:
1. Wake up in a better mood.
2. Get along with others better.
3. Maintain a healthier lifestyle.
4. You won’t hit the snooze button over and over (well…maybe you will).
5. You will look refreshed, those bags under your eyes will fade and you will look more alive!
(Now we know why sleeping beauty is so beautiful!)
5. Dorm room work outs.
If public gyms aren’t your thing, then your dorm room can be the perfect personal one! I love searching Pinterest for ab, butt and cardio workouts that you can do on a mat, meaning they don’t require a ton of room and you don’t have to worry about everyone seeing you sweat! You might want to check out YouTube, there are a ton of at home work out videos in which you can also follow along. So even if you don’t go the gym, you are some how still getting trained by the person on your laptop screen!
6. Set goals for yourself.
You have a planner with all your future schedules, but you are contemplating on what to do. Sleep, study or work out? You are tired of studying for finals that are around the corner and working out seems highly impossible! Dedicating all your time to study for that 4.0 GPA is a must, but remember that we have to take a break from all the stress. What is better than relieving some of that stress with a workout? Take a break 30 minute to one hour break from your study time to go for a run, to breath in fresh air and relax. When you are done, you can eat a quick snack, shower up and get back to work. Your body and mind will thank you! Stay motivated!
7. Go outside!
Breathing in fresh air is always better than going to sweaty gym! Go for a hike, take a dip in the pool, relax and take in some Vitamin D!
8. Eat your greens and take your vitamins.
Smoothies or juicing is the best way to go on getting in your veggie servings. Look for recipes online -- Pint Rest remains the best place for me to find delicious and healthy recipes!
Also, it doesn't take much to take vitamins -- just a glass of water. So, be sure you are keeping up with how your body is feeling. What does it need? How can you make it better? Vitamins are a good way to go when it comes to getting your daily dose!
9. Pack healthy snacks.
We have all been there. One too many times! You are halfway through a lecture and your stomach starts to growl uncontrollably. The person next to you stares and you feel empty inside, which distracts you from keeping up with the class. The only way to prevent this is to pack snacks! It could be as simple as a small bag of mixed nuts or even a banana. Stay away from unhealthy snacks even if it's close by! Go for an apple because and apple a day keeps the doctor away!
10. Plan your meals.
Whether you live on or off campus, meal planning is the best way to go, that way you don’t end up eating a pizza slice with a diet Coke. Plan you meals at school and at home, and stick to it! Don’t forget to include veggies in your diet and to pack at least three snacks with you, even if you end up eating only one!
11. Socialize.
Believe it or not, talking to people will make you happier! Just talking with a friend or family member can make a world of a difference. You can also see if your buddy wants to join you for study dates and workout sessions! Staying healthy maybe easier than you think!
12. Love yourself!
We don't have to be Barbies and Kens! We just have to love ourselves and feel confident in our own bodies. Being healthy doesn't mean being skinny. It means being happy with your body without criticizing how many slices of pizza you ate. It's OK to eat tacos and pizza as long as you keep up with your healthy lifestyle!
(Go outside, make a wish!)
Using these 12 tips will help you feel more energized and more healthy than you have been in a while. Staying happy and healthy is one of the most important things that you need to achieve while in college. Today is the day to start being a better you! It is time to become the best version of yourself! Always strive to reach your goals and dreams, never give up on your aspirations and never let anyone discourage you.
Staying motivated and happy is key!