The Ultimate Guide To Chicago Slang | The Odyssey Online
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The Ultimate Guide To Chicago Slang

Phrases to help you blend in like a local for your next trip to the Windy City

The Ultimate Guide To Chicago Slang

For those taking a summer vacation to the Windy City or from the suburbs trying to masquerade as native Chicagoans, it can be daunting trying to maneuver around the city during the summer, especially if you’ve never heard a deep Chicago accent that even I, as a lifetime resident have a hard time making out. Below I’ve compiled a list of popular Chicago slang that will make your trip to the Second City a breeze.

1. The "L"

With nearly 150 stations laid out across the city, it’s the best way to get around and feel like a local. The biggest faux pas to make is asking someone where the Subway is. They likely will think you are referring to the sandwich chain that is secondary to Potbelly’s.

2. LSD

During your stay, you’ll hear people debating if they should take LSD. They’re likely talking about Lake Shore Drive and not the drug (I hope). LSD is the prettiest urban highway you will ever travel featuring a gorgeous skyline resting on the shores of Lake Michigan. If you’re traveling early in the morning it is a sure way to brighten up your grumpy morning mood with a dazzling sunset over the lake and skyscrapers.

3. Lolla

Officially known as Lollapalooza is Chicago’s biggest music festival that has been running for over 25 years and could put Coachella to shame any day. Taking place in either the last weekend of July or first weekend of August in downtown Grant Park the festival has eight stages, over 180 different artists (headlined this year by Chance, Lorde and Big Sean to name a few) and an amazing “chowtown” full of dozens of Chicago’s best restaurants (the lobster corndogs are a must have). Good luck getting a ticket though, the 4-day and 1-day passes sold out in a matter of hours and the resale prices on Stub Hub and Ebay can be ridiculously pricey.

4. Ketchup

This tomato condiment is lovely to put on fries, burgers, chicken tenders but NEVER EVER on a hot dog. If you visit one of Chicago’s numerous hot dog joints across the city don’t even think about asking for this condiment on your dog. You’ll be met with an eye roll and a gesture to the dispensers for the fries where you’ll have to apply it yourself.

5. Sears Tower

The tallest building in Chicago and the 2nd tallest in the country. Officially known as the Willis Tower but Chicagoans are a stickler for tradition.

6. Marshall Fields

Officially known as Macy’s now and the best place to window shop. Refer to #5.

7. The Bean (AKA Cloud Gate)

Found in the heart of the beautiful downtown Millennium Park it is literally a giant reflective silver bean EVERYONE wants a picture at. Take selfies at your own risk because you will instantly be seen as a tourist/ suburbanite if you do.


A feature found in many Chicago restaurants that stand for Bring Your Own Booze. Extremely beneficial to broke college students and twentysomethings alike who do not have the cash for restaurant alcohol. Plus, many of the restaurants will also provide free glasses and open your bottles for you!

Chicagoans are notoriously friendly, if you manage to get one’s attention on the busy fast paced streets they will likely give you a hand. But hopefully, with this guide you’ll be able to blend in like a local you will be able to blend in more and avoid a few eye rolls from the locals.

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