You have four years at the college of your choice, but what will you do while you’re there? Will you join a Greek organization? Will you lay low and do the bare minimum to get your degree? Will you be the one involved in the 600+ clubs on campus? Will you go crazy, overwhelmed with freedom and spare time? Whichever path you may choose, the one and only Florida State University will be sure to all of its students needs. With that being said, it’s only appropriate that there’s a bucket list for the best four years of your life here at FSU. You can go out and try to accomplish these, or let them come to you; either way, see how many of these you can cross off your FSU bucket list before your time in Tallahassee is up!
1. Take a picture with the Garnet and Gold Guys
2. Get multiple parking tickets in one week
3. Survive a weekend in Tallahassee (aka UM weekend or Talloweek)
4. Take a picture of yourself going into Strozier while anticipating a sleepless night
5. Take a picture of yourself leaving Strozier at the ridiculous hour of your departure
6. Get scared by the obscenely loud bell clock on campus
7. Visit Market Wednesday
8. Spend $7 on a water bottle at the stadium
9. Order Pokey Sticks at an unreasonable time
10. Get thrown in the Westscott fountain on your 21st birthday
11. Get thrown in the Westscott fountain just because
12. Visit the famous FSU landmarks (Tabu, Coli, Clydes, Pots)
13. Watch FSU beat UM… again
14. Watch FSU beat UF
15. Watch FSU beat everyone
16. Go see FSU’s very own circus
17. White Trash Wednesday at the Strip
18. Take a picture of Westcott on a beautiful day
19. Take a picture in front of the Unconquered Statue
20. Find parking in Traditions Garage
21. Find parking on campus in general
22. Experience Pow Wow during Homecoming week
23. Learn the words to the FSU our Alma Mater
24. Wait in line for an hour at the Chipotle on Tennessee St.
25. Become an experienced jay-walker
26. Attend a fraternity formal
27. Have a mental breakdown about your future once a semester
28. Fall down College Ave. and break a shoe or a bone doing so
29. Try an infamous Gordo’s Smash
30. Take a trip to The Rez
31. Participate in Dance Marathon
32. Go to a sporting event for every FSU team #GoNoles
33. Meet President Thrasher