Recently, I have joined the woman's ultimate frisbee team at my college. Whenever I tell someone about it, the most common response I receive goes along the lines of, "Is that where you throw the frisbee into the metal thing?!" After a quick eye roll, the answer to this question is NO! Understandably, it is very common for people to not understand the difference when they have such similar names. Both ultimate frisbee and disc golf, also known as frolf, have just recently had spikes in popularity. If you are reading this and have never understood the difference or even realize there was one, this one is dedicated to you!
1. The set up of the games:
Ultimate frisbee is a team sport that is played on a field about the size of an intramural soccer field. The game is played between two teams 7 v 7. Disc golf on the other hand starts on a slab of concrete used as the so-called tee. A fairway lies between the tee and the metal basket used as the target.
2. The discs used in each game:
Both sports require a particular type of disc, neither one being the same. The standard ultimate frisbee disc weighs 175g, is made of plastic, and is larger in diameter while the discs used in disc golf usually vary in weight and material. Like in actual golf, the discs have different purposes such as drivers and putters.
3. The objective of the games:
Like golf, disc golf has a par for each hole. The amount of throws it takes to get your disc to the target basket determines your score. There are usually 9 or 18 holes per game. Much different, the point of ultimate frisbee is to score points by catching the disc in the end zone just like football. In ultimate, reaching the determined score before the opposing team determines a win and the end of the game. additionally, each game has a set of rules that go along with them to add to the competition of the game.
4. The level of activity in each game:
While I'm sure there are certain physical or technical demands that are needed to play disc golf, I find the demands much higher in the game of ultimate frisbee. Although ultimate frisbee is a non-contact sport, the game requires great amounts of speed, stamina, and strategy. Being slower paced, disc golf is a more intimate game that allows you to socialize and enjoy nature throughout the time being.
While they are different, both sports have their own appeals to them and can be very enjoyable with friends and a great way to pass time! These sports are growing in popularity all over college campuses and across the world. So, the next time that you are debating what to do in your free time and/or talking to someone with no knowledge about either one of the sports, I hope you are able to take a minute to explain what this article has taught you regarding the differences between ultimate frisbee and disc golf. Ultimately, there is one thing you should take from this: ULTIMATE FRISBEE IS NOT DISC GOLF AND NEVER WILL BE!!