Fall is coming soon, and that only means one thing. It’s the perfect time of the year for binge watching some of the best, addicting television shows. The air is cool, you get to lie on the couch and stay covered up, light a candle, and catch up on homework for the semester. Netflix has some of the best binge-worthy shows and movies. Here is your must binge list for the fall semester.
"Hemlock Grove"
For those who find their fall satisfaction by indulging in thrill-filled movies and TV shows, this is one that you'll enjoy. This series takes place in Hemlock Grove, a small town in Pennsylvania. Upon the murders of two teenage girls, the town faces a time filled of uncertainty and fear. With a rumor quickly spreading of a possibility of a werewolf being responsible for the untimely deaths, everyone in Hemlock Grove is left on their toes.
A detective who has just recently returned to London, after separating from her husband. Upon meeting with a senior detective regarding an unsolved case of 11 years, involving a serial killer, who has possibly resurfaced, she has returned to work for the murder squad. She sees a few familiar faces that bring back worse memories, and faces hardships with her estranged husband.
When indulging in the Parenthood series, tread with caution. Your heart strings may become slightly more attached with this one more than the others. You're seeing the lives of the Braverman siblings, in real time. A conventional family show. It takes you through all of those family moments each family faces and also has a fun twist. By the end, it's tough to let the Braverman's and their tight knit family bond go.
Jim Jeffries is an Australian comedian starring in "Legit" which features dark humor. This series turns any bad day into a laughter filled one. Jim is living in Los Angeles with a mentally unstable roommate who has a brother that is disabled. They have Jefferies on their side to help live eventful lives.
" Gilmore Girls"
There is no beating this series. Ultimate relationship goals for a mother and a daughter. They have an unbeatable bond, with endless inside jokes. They understand each other to an unexplained depth, all while having endless adventures and having fun, through all situations. Why binge watch this, now? Well, Netflix is renewing it for another season! "Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life" will be 4 episodes long, lasting 90 minutes each. An episode for every season.
A series about a man wrongly convicted of the rape and murder of a teenage girl. After spending 20 years on death row, his conviction has been repealed after new DNA evidence surfaced. Resettling back home is facing hostility and is being treated as an outsider in his hometown. He struggles and tread water to stay afloat as everyone is determined to make his life outside of prison more impossible to live than before.
"Stranger Things"
This series has by far reached the top of my list for favorites and unstoppable binging. This is an 80's based sci-fi series featuring a parallel poltergeist world. The upside down. Upon the disappearance of young boy in this small town anomalous situations begin to arise. With a determined mother searching for her son, unanticipated information begins to unravel from government ties.
"Luke Cage"
If you enjoyed Jessica Jones, and Daredevil, other Marvel Netflix original series, this series will not disappoint. Airing on September 30th, viewers will see a high profile, confident guy who has suffered greatly on emotional levels. Expect to see the affects he faces while grieving his wife and the detrimental harm done by Kilgrave, who controlling his mind.
With fall rapidly approaching get yourself prepared and stocked for an evening of binge-worthy shows and homework.