College, man. You love it and then you hate it, but at the end of the day, you love it more than before. It's quite easy to get caught up in school work, jobs, and other responsibilities that come with this time in your life, but remember to let loose and have a little fun sometimes. Don't be afraid to let down your guard a bit, act a fool with your friends, and create memories.
- Skip some classes (it won't be the end of the world, promise).
- Go inside a Sorority/Fraternity house.
- Join a club (10/10 recommend this, you'll meet tons of people this way).
- Stay up for a few days, sleep is for the weak.
- Throw a party.
-Change your look. This is your time to re-invent yourself as a person.
-Steal a sign (not promoting theft, but just borrow for your house decs, return when you are graduating...or not).
- Watch a college sporting event.
- Eat wings like a total bro.
- Run a 5k.
- Resist a hook-up and go on a real date.
- Learn a language (this is a skill that will help you now and later in life).
- Netflix, Netflix, and more Netflix.
-Volunteer your time.
- Go to a casino with your friends and gamble away some of your money that you probably won't get back. Hey, memories...right?
-Take a random class that has nothing to do with your major/minor.
-Go on the stereotypical spring break trips, at least once.
-I repeat: go on the spring break trip. It'll change your life.
- Try new food, cook for yourself, cook with friends, cook with your pet.
-Interrupt a campus tour.
- Visit a foreign country.