Everyone loves Christmas. Some people love it so much that they play Christmas music before Thanksgiving arrives. It's the only socially-acceptable time of the year to watch Christmas movies, play holiday music, drink eggnog or peppermint mochas and hang lights around the house. Every last day counts for holiday enthusiasts. Amid all these activities, don't forget the real reason for the season — the birth of Jesus Christ. Take advantage of December, get in the Christmas spirit and try something new each day.This ultimate Christmas countdown begins Dec. 1 and runs through Dec. 25, Christmas day.
Dec. 1
It's no longer November, which means it's perfectly acceptable to belt out your favorite Christmas song. Create a great Spotify playlist or play a holiday Pandora station. Make sure either includes great favorites like "Ruldoph the Red Nosed Reindeer," or "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."
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Dec. 2
Time to set up the tree! Whether it's fake or real, Christmas isn't the same without one. Play "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" to truly appreciate this activity. Cover the tree base with a holiday-patterned skirt, then pile presents underneath after they're wrapped. After it's set up, find any ornaments sitting in storage and hang them all around the tree. Don't have ornaments? Make your own using these DIY ideas or buy a box from a gift store like Hallmark. Lastly, top the tree with a star or angel.
Dec. 3
Now that the tree stands in the living room, it's time to string lights! Weave them around the tree if it's still bare, then set them up around the house and yard. Upgrade the humble abode with lawn decorations like light-up reindeer or LED light displays.
Dec. 4
It's National Cookie Day! Bake some Christmas cookies. Make it easy and pick up those circular Pillsbury cookies you enjoyed as a kid with the cute little reindeer and Santa faces on them. Invite all your friends over and watch them disappear quickly. Yum!
Dec. 5
Go visit Santa — or at least have fun watching the different ways kids react to him. Feel free to also don a Santa cap if you have one in the closet.
It's a Sunday, so grab a tasty holiday drink, whether that's coffee or tea, with someone before church, have a great conversation, and attend service together. Make the experience more fun and choose the other person's drink — it's interesting to see how well other people know your tastes. Don't feel pressured to only try Starbucks' holiday drinks — peppermint mocha, chestnut praline latte, spiced flat white, gingerbread latte, eggnog latte. Try a dark chocolate pumpkin mocha from Pete's Coffee or one of these holiday combinations from Caribou Coffee (available in these locations: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Western Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, Denver Airport).
Dec. 7
It's Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Spend a moment of silence remembering those who sacrificed their lives for the United States during World War II. If you don't know much about the events, carve out some time to watch a documentary like "Pearl Harbor (2001)," available on Amazon Prime.
It's National Brownie Day. Get festive and bake gingerbread, peppermint, or Christmas tree shaped brownies. Pick up different color frostings and sprinkles to make them the best brownies ever.
Time to make those Christmas cards! Stop by Michaels or another craft store, pick up supplies, and make your own. If you're not very artistic or don't have much time, use a site like Shutterfly and choose from different templates. Mail them the old-fashioned way or save envelopes and send them digitally.
Dec. 10
If you haven't done this already, set up the Christmas Village on the fireplace mantel. I love setting my mom's village up each year while I play holiday jazz piano music and sip on freshly-brewed morning coffee. We use the same set-up each year and continue adding new elements. Don't have a village of your own? Venture to a gift store and start a new tradition. You can buy sets or individual pieces, but you will need to add a new item each year and find white felt that resembles snow so it becomes a true village.
Dec. 11
It's UNICEF'S birthday. Do something great for someone else today and make a donation, even if it's as little as $5. Have spare time? Read through some "tiny stories," fictional works over 200 authors penned about the theme, "what I want for every child." While you're at it, check out other humanitarian Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Samaritan's Purse, CARE, and World Vision.
Dec. 12
It's gingerbread house day, so go out and buy some gumdrop candies, pre-made icing or ingredients to make it fresh, graham crackers, starlight mints, candy canes and whatever other sweet treats you want to put on the little cottage. Stores also sell pre-made kits, but you miss out on the messy fun and creativity with these, so I advise sticking with the homemade version.
Dec. 13
Take a trip around the neighborhood and look at different Christmas lights display. My friends and I traditionally grab our favorite Starbucks holiday drinks to sip on, turn on a Christmas playlist with favorites like "The Man With the Bag," and drive around two of the best neighborhoods in San Diego County — Jingle Bell Hill in El Cajon and Fairway Village in Carmel Mountain Ranch. The various LED light displays animated to Christmas music always amaze us.
Dec. 14
The original Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas movie, "A Chipmunk Christmas," released this day in 1981. Find a hula hoop, sing along to "Christmas Don't be Late," and count the number of times Dave screams, "ALVIN!"
Dec. 15
Go Christmas caroling around the block. Even though most carolers sing, ask any instrumentalists if they would like to tag along and take the ensemble a step above a capella. If your church is hosting a Christmas event or will send people on missions over the holidays, you can make it a fundraiser and ask for donations. Choose from traditional Christmas songs, select contemporary favorites, or include a mixture.
Dec. 16
It's National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Head down to your favorite thrift store and find a cast-off sweater you can wear to any ugly Christmas sweater party. Anyone who knows how to knit can make their own, unique and wacky version.
Dec. 17
Host a white elephant party and invite all your friends. It's a fun way to gift others without spending money on each person you know and a great method to meet new people. From experience, everyone loves receiving random presents, trying to grab the good gifts like coffee mugs, and passing gag gifts like backstratchers quickly around the circle. It's even better when someone has a genuine sense of humor and buys a porcelain elephant.
Dec. 18
Today's the day to watch "Elf" because it's national Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day. Get your Will Ferrell comedic fix and laugh at all the silly things Buddy does, such as pile candy and maple syrup on top of spaghetti or rip off Santa's beard.
Dec. 19
It's a Saturday, so it's a great day to skate around an ice rink during public session hours. Make sure you grab mittens and a jacket because the rink is very chilly. Even if you can't skate, stand against a wall and watch others perform cool tricks in the center. Not a skating fan? Select a hockey game on TV from this schedule.
Dec. 20
It's Winter Solstice — the shortest day of the year. Get outside and walk around the park or neighborhood before the sun sets. Who knows? You may enjoy a beautiful display of colors.
Dec. 21
The nights grow colder, so it's time to make spiced cider. My mom makes a simple, yet great recipe. Grab a bottle of apple juice, pour it in the crockpot, then add a few cinnamon sticks, a 1/4 tsp. of nutmeg and allspice, and orange slices. It's so simple, yet it's a very delicious drink. Place whipped cream on it, if you like.
Dec. 22
Go Christmas shopping if you haven't — crowds become crazier the longer you wait, and you'll want to ensure extra shopping time in case you left someone out. Stores also will have great deals this week as they try to draw primarily online shoppers in-store. Stop at the mall or anywhere else right after work ends to beat the evening rush.
Dec. 23
It's getting closer to Christmas, which means it's time to watch "The Polar Express." Nearly everyone enjoys this movie and loves singing along to the movie's main theme, "Believe," "Hot Chocolate" or "When Christmas Comes to Town." Tom Hanks voices his character well. Speaking of hot chocolate, make sure you have some prepared for that scene so you can truly appreciate the song lyrics and keep warm on a cold, winter night.
Dec. 24
It's both Christmas Eve and National Eggnog Day. Trek to the store and buy your family's favorite eggnog, whether that's pumpkin-flavored, low-fat, or whole-fat. Need caffeine to keep you awake? Add it to coffee and make it a latte. Post about your experience on social media using #NationalEggnogDay. Forget about the calories and have a second glass if you feel like it. Gather with family and friends and unwrap one gift before the clock strikes midnight.
Dec. 25
It's Christmas! Read through the Christmas story in Matthew 1-2, then unwrap all your presents. Cook a nice family breakfast, such as french toast with fresh strawberries and maple syrup. Upgrade it and make it strawberry cream cheese stuffed french toast topped with whipped cream for a delicious treat. Enjoy a nice dinner later in the evening and watch a great flick everyone enjoys.