I guess it's that season. So many people are getting married right now, my social media is filled with engagement photos, proposals, wedding invites, etc.
My wedding is a long way off, far on the horizon. Regardless, seeing others tie the knot prompts me to start scanning through Pinterest, thinking of color schemes, considering bridesmaids. Like many prospective brides, I go to weddings making mental notes of the dress or reception, gathering ideas for my own special day.
One thing I've decided: I want an ugly wedding ring.
What I mean is that I don't want an ornate accessory, a ring that I have to take off in order to do something gritty. I want a ring that I can't take off. I want to wear it when I'm changing diapers, weeding the garden, doing the dishes, painting the house.
We all know that a wedding ring is a sign of commitment, unity. It is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a weighty promise. During a ceremony, the bride and groom may exchange pledges of fidelity, respect and love as they give each other a ring. It's beautiful. And a ring's beauty can be part of this symbolism.But maybe there is greater beauty in a ring never coming off, even for ugly tasks.
I want to wear my ring when I go on my runs. When I mow, when I peel potatoes, when I eat barbecue chicken. On my finger it will be when I'm sweaty and unshowered, when I'm dressed for a night out. When I go to bed, when I wake up. In my pride, in my shame. Through my successes and failures. Come rust, come dirt, come poopy diapers and potato skins.
I want my ring with me through all circumstances. As I want my promise. As I want my husband.
Marriage is not for show. It's for life. This is what I want my ring to symbolize.