This song is the base of my self-reflection. This song is meant to be a mystery. It's meant to have several different interpretations and make you think exactly what it means to you. To me, it keeps its absence of meaning as its meaning. The unknown. I absolutely adore this song because of it.
“Ice, melting in my chain
Pretty as my hair
Ugly as my name
Dirty as my gold
Comfy as my chair
Ugly is my name
Ugly is my name”
This isn't the original song because the original song hasn't even come out yet, but it's a remix to the most mysterious part of the sample we were given from his song. From my previous blogs, I guess you could assume that I loved this hook because it's poetic mystery and it's music. I interpret this as an ode to the world around us. The materialistic things "ruling" what we can come out to be. The chase for money can shape us to be complete asses just to get us to the top. Our dreams can hinder us from ever seeking an opportunity to enjoy life as short as it is. This hook in the song... It has some of those materialistic things either melting away or being considered dirt; consequently, he defines himself ugly. Without a deep look at what he says, and taking it as just a poetic mystery, I put that title upon myself.
I tend to keep people guessing. As far as people "knowing" me, you only know the surface, not the stories that make me ugly. You know the vampiric self. What do I mean by that? As a child, I would always say that I "feed" on other's happiness in order to make myself feel great. I enjoyed making people laugh at all costs and seeing smiles because that was the highlight of my day. What I did or do to make someone smile didn't make me happy, but the reaction of those people around me that made me happy. Generally, that was the case for ages. I use to try my hardest to make someone's day for the selfish reasons of making myself happy. As I've grown older, I've strived to make other people's day so that they can have a reason to smile.. This world can get ugly.. This world can be ugly.. I don't want anyone to fall off this cliff.. I'll go down in the fire first before anyone else has to.
I write poetry, and its contents is far what anyone would expect. It's true what comedians say, that all of us (comedians) have that type of painted smile. We bask in the laughter of others and go about our day with that energy. I try to write something that means something to me, but that leaves a trail of guesses the more I write like that quote. Something for you to read or hear and make you see me as something else. I present the happy self. The one who searches for at least a chuckle or a smirk a day, yet there is always something that lies beneath the surface.
All of my social media have usernames that describe me or my sense of thinking, and for Twitter, U.G.L.Y., is what you'll find me under. I'm ugly. I'm ugly and damn proud of it. I'm not a perfect human and as I'm older now I'll bask in the glory of my imperfections. Nothing can really define me, and no one will get me right... I intend to stay a mystery. I intend to stay ugly. I don't belong to anything else in my opinion. U.G.L.Y is my name.