Memes and gifs aren’t to be taken too seriously, but sometimes it becomes personal simply due to life experiences in relation to it. In a world where looks are extremely important (whether we like to admit it or not), a lot of memes do focus on the physical. One of the questions asked is “Why do the ugly girls have all the confidence and the pretty girls don’t?” When I first read it, all I thought was “they have confidence because that is all they have.” The world is a cruel place and it is much worse if one isn’t so “physically appealing,” so if an “ugly” girl has confidence, then she has life. The bigger question in my opinion is so what if an “ugly” girl has confidence, and who said the pretty girls didn’t.
When did a woman’s confidence equal to arrogance and what is so awful about someone feeling good about themselves regardless of the way they were made? It seems as if the quote is misogynistic because no one would ever ask a man why is he confident when he is so “ugly.” In addition, why is it a concern to people that an “ugly” girl could have confidence? Yes, it is a joke, but every “good” joke is taken from reality or one’s perception of it.
Even then, when a "pretty" girl is confident are people satisfied? When a woman know who she is and is confident, wouldn’t she be deemed a bitch? Wouldn’t she be “playing hard to get” and way too high-maintenance? When analyzed it seems to be more of a woman problem than an “ugly” woman issue. Why is everything a woman does have to pertain to her looks? I know, men get judged too, and I’ll cover that another time, but why can’t a woman just be?
As a woman, I have witnessed that women’s looks are always mentioned with their character for some reason and are stereotyped because of their looks. A woman cannot be smart and pretty, and if she is, she is like a Godsend as if women like her don't already exist. A woman can’t be ugly and confident; if she is, she is feeling herself too much and needs to “humble” herself.
Before one asks “why ugly girls have all the confidence and pretty girls don’t,” they should ask themselves why they care if someone finds themselves worthwhile. Isn’t the world harsh enough and would it hurt to have a backbone in an environment where people from time to time try to break each other down? Also why does it matter if she is “ugly” or “pretty,” as if that determines the identity they feel matches them most? Why is it a big deal whether a female is ugly or pretty? These are questions I feel to ask simply because people are more than their faces. The face is just the physical identity of the soul. If one is bothered by the soul not correlating with what the face is believed to represent, the question is not “why the ugly girls are confident.” It becomes: “Why is it not okay in society for someone to know their worth simply because they look a certain way?”
Readers, please feel free to comment on this because I would love to hear your opinions not only on this article, but the question it is asking.