UGA Football Has A Bright Future | The Odyssey Online
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UGA Football Has A Bright Future

The Dawgs are one of the youngest teams in the nation and have a lot going for them. The future is bright in Athens

UGA Football Has A Bright Future
Photo by Griffin Callaghan

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The Georgia Bulldogs have been exceptional in the past two seasons after a down year of Jacob Eason leading the offense. Last season in a bounce-back effort, Nick Chubb, Sony Michel, and an extremely talented defense led the Dawgs to the National Championship game. This year, the team is very young but still incredibly talented. The future is bright for this group.

1. 6 more years of Kirby

After the National Championship game, Kirby Smart was given a new contract due to his success with the team. He has been a huge improvement as a coach for Georgia and has been even better at recruiting players to come join up. Smart has been fantastic at getting the most out of his players and continues to improve his squad every week. The trend will only continue upwards with him around for the next 6 years, at least.

2. Great recruiting class for 2019

The Dawgs have the number three overall recruiting class in the nation for 2019. They just committed four-star running back prospect, Kenny McIntosh, to join up with 2018 running back recruits Zamir White and James Cook to form an intimidating trio. Georgia is also bringing on the top recruit in the nation in pass rusher Nolan Smith. Five star wide receiver, Dominick Blaylock is also among the incoming freshman. Kirby Smart will have many new toys available going into next year.

3. Jake Fromm is only a sophomore

This is only year two for the standout quarterback. There were the makings of a QB controversy at the start of the season between Fromm and freshman Justin Fields. Fromm quickly silenced those rumors with his play and took a firm hold on the starting duties. The sophomore quarterback is outstandingly poised on the field and rarely becomes rattled. If he stays for his senior season, the Dawgs will have two more full years of Fromm to lead this offense.

4. D'Andre Swift is only a sophomore

Swift has had a bit of a rollercoaster season. He started off hot but got hurt just a few games into the year. It took some time but he appears to now be back to his top form.

D'andre Swift 77 yard TD run

Swift is one of the most explosive players in the SEC and has multiple touchdowns over 50 yards. He had a career high 186 rushing yards on just 17 carries against Auburn. Swift had an 83 yard run against Kentucky. He will more likely than not be in the NFL one day but Georgia fans still have time to see him fly.

5. Big games

Georgia has been working on scheduling over the past few weeks. Home and home series' against both Clemson and Texas have been scheduled. Those games don't happen until 2028 through 2030 but it is good to see that UGA is working on scheduling tougher opponents in the future. The Dawgs take on Notre Dame in Athens next season and that will be one of the biggest games that Athens has seen in a while.

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