Our school may be relatively new, but there's a unique sense of pride that comes with being a Bobcat. From taking the bus or longboarding up the hill to seeing raccoons everywhere, there are just some things that only UC Merced students can relate to.
You know you're a Bobcat when:
1. You complain about walking up the hill (and sometimes you take the bus up, even though, honestly, it's barely a hill)
2. You're really unsure why our mascot is a bobcat instead of the cows, fairy shrimp or raccoons
3. You're used to seeing raccoons everywhere...in a trash can, behind a bush...walking up the hill casually at night like they're on their way to class
4. You've taken a side in the great SSHA vs STEM debate
5. You know what a nightmare trying to find parking is
6. You had no clue where Merced was before you came here
7. You're so thankful to whoever made the decision to switch from CROPS to Canvas Catcourses
8. But secretly miss the time you could use "CROPS was down" as an excuse for not completing an assignment
9. You feel like the DC is always closed when you need it most
10. But you didn't really feel like eating DC food anyway
11. The on campus vendors are life savers
12. So are the vending machines in COB and SSM
13. The opening of Chipotle, Panera and Yogolicious was a major life event for you
14. But Panera doesn't really fit into a college budget, so you rarely went after that first week it opened
15. You can't go anywhere in town without seeing someone you know
16. You immediately know someone is a freshman or transfer student if you haven't seen them before
17. You get annoyed by other UC's looking down on us (we are just as awesome)
18. You've come to realize that "midterm" isn't a single test in the middle of a semester and some classes even have two or three midterms
19. You almost miss the giant COB 102 lecture classes where you really only ever showed up for the midterms and final
20. Your upper division classes for your major tend to only have 20 people, (or maybe even 12 if you're an English major)
21. You're on a first name basis with several of your professors
22. And seeing them at the "mall" isn't even that weird...okay, maybe a little weird
23. You wish we had an actual mall
24. You've come to love Merced and all the friends you've made here!
25. And you still rock that blue and gold with pride!