Hello! For those of you who don't know me or haven't seen my work before, I am the Editor in Chief of the Odyssey at UC Davis.
With over 1,200 communities across the nation and more than 14,000 content creators, it’s easy to miss or overlook a creator who is producing great content. As a way to help you make sure you’re not missing one of those creators right here in UC Davis, I plan to highlight someone from time to time that I think is creating exceptional content.
This week, that individual is Elisabeth McGowan.
Have you seen her latest articles? Check it out here.
Elisabeth has creating content for Odyssey since this past August, and she has made herself an incredibly important member of this team. Week after week, she goes above and beyond by publishing multiple articles and harboring an incredible enthusiasm to contribute. She was compelled to join our team after seeing Odyssey articles on her social media feeds, and she realized she wanted to write articles as well. Her consistency with creative content can be seen in her most recent article, "Visiting Your Freshman Dorm." There, she taps into some freshman year nostalgia and reflects on her old home.
She looks forward to using her writing talents to write critiques about theater and the film industry. As a Theatre major, she would love to incorporate what she's learning in the classroom to her writing endeavors during her free time.
If you're someone who would like to write influential and impactful content for your community, click on the following link to explore the possibility of joining the Odyssey: https://muse.theodysseyonline.com/apply