Working as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant is really like no other job. I'm not sure there is another job out there with such a roller coaster of emotions attached to it. So let me take you on a tour.
Fast forward a few hours and you still have no customers, but you forget that you're making less than $3 an hour after taxes because you're just hanging out with some of your favorite people. You're making jokes and having a blast until that family of 10 sits down 15 minutes to close.
Screw Mondays, they suck!
Tuesday is Monday's best friend. You just got disappointed on Monday and here you are again same thing, different day.
Finally! You probably have some type of special going on tonight and your dining room will be inhabited for a change! Wednesdays are nice because they start of a little slow so you can wake up as more and more customers drizzle in. You keep checking that clock to see when the special will start and you can start making that real money. There are two ways Wednesdays will go. Special time roles around...dead. It's a Monday all over again and you could cry. Your wallet is crying, why not join it. Or one customer sits down and twenty follow, and then more and more, and next thing you know, you're carrying trays for three hours straight on autopilot hoping they get to the right tables. You almost miss Monday...Not!! Your wallet is going to be so proud!
Another special, but usually a more steady kind of day. No big surprise you'll have a few rushes on a Thursday. You're completely prepared this time and you're not even a little scared.
It doesn't matter how long you have worked here. It amazes you how fast a Friday will fill up. Before noon, you have already made more than you did on Monday and Tuesday. Here, you are running around and the day has barely started.
You just keep moving.You can't seem to stop.And even when all of your tables are busy eating and don't really need you, you can't help but feel like you're missing something. Here you are trying to sit for a second before you go check on drinks and it hits you...YOU NEVER BROUGHT OUT TABLE FOUR'S APPETIZER! You rush out to tell them it will be out shortly and they have no idea what you're talking about. Turns out the table four that ordered an appetizer, they left three hours ago and you have just lost your mind.
You count out what you made nine times because math is so hard when you're this tired, but then you realize that you really did make THAT much money. Time to buy all the things I want!
"How are people already sitting in my section!? We don't even open for 10 minutes!!"
Yup, that's Saturday morning for ya. No easy slide into the day. In fact, if you're 10 minutes early, you're already late. You've got -5 seconds to get your life together...ready, set, go!
You're just ready for a nap. You've ran into more people than you can count today and touched an infinite amount of dirty dishes. You've talked to more people than you have Facebook friends and you're just done. "When is my replacement coming?" "If they are even a second late, they're dead!"
"How are people still here?! Did they ever leave??" "How are people even hungry this early?" "Go home, and make your own food!!" That is your mind talking. But what really comes out is, "Hi there folks, how are we doing on this lovely Sunday morning? Have you heard about our awesome drink specials?" Your auto pilot robot is back in action.
How did the morning start out like a Saturday night and now it looks like a Monday? You've rushed around all morning and now you're so bored you don't know what to do with yourself. You've rolled way more silverware than you need to, everything is stocked and cleaned and oh my god, you still have two more hours!
Every emotion goes through your head as a server. From the excitement of big tips to the boredom of Monday nights. No job will ever be such a roller coaster in your life.