1. You deserve more than a "thing."
It has become unfortunate that most millennials have diminished what dating should really be about: spending time with someone you are interested in pursuing. Instead of people dating, we have “things”, or we “talk”. Instead of asking someone out, we’re asking for someone’s snapchat. While I am guilty of frequently using social media (especially snap chat), it shouldn’t be used in place of face to face conversation with someone you are interested in. I mean think about it, how well are you getting to know someone by exchanging a disappearing picture every once in a while?
2. You deserve more than a meaningless relationship.
Not only have most millennials stopped dating, we have stopped caring about having actual relationships. Instead of good conversation, we seek flirty comments on Instagram. Instead of seeking someone who makes us smile, we just want to look happy in the pictures for prom. We want an attractive boy or girl to hang out with and make us feel special without actually putting in any effort to make it worth while. We want the anniversaries, the hand holding, and the cute pictures. But we can’t get too close, we can’t get too involved, because then it will look like we caretoo much. When did this happen? When did it become “uncool” to actually care, or “weird” to just ask someone out on a date?
3. You shouldn't have to settle.
Don’t settle for the occasional flirty text or Snapchat. Don’t settle for someone who makes you wonder where you stand with them. Settle for the person who cares more about you than their ego. Start settling for more, and be the exception to the typical millennial relationship.