In this day and age everyone has the ability to be in constant communication with their friends, family, people they just met, or people that were at the same summer camp as them back in fifth grade. As texting has become an easier, simpler, and everyday occurance I have started to think about the different types of messages I sent to different people and the variety of messages I get from my friends. I have come to the conclusion that there are ten different types of texters. Which one are you?
1. The Nonstop Texter
You either are this texter or you have a friend that is this texter. The phone is constantly blowing up with multiple people’s names. Conversations with everyone lasts hours or days on your phone and you often wake up having to apologize for not responding to messages to several different people because you fell asleep.
2. The Emoji Texter
Every message sent from this texter includes some type of emoji. This texter will send you several emojis in a row each with a slightly different face and you will learn that there are words and emotions that they are portraying through the images that the receiver of the message has to determine before replying.
3. The Novelist Texter
This texter will send you paragraph after paragraph about how their day was. They spend a lot of time typing out everything that they have to say so that they do not have to send their messages in multiple little messages but instead in one giant blue mass as soon as they hit the button send.
4. The Plan Making Texter
“Want to go to dinner tomorrow night at 7pm?” This texter will only send messages when they are trying to make plans or figure out if they can make plans. Otherwise they are busy enjoying the plans that they have already made.
5. The Holiday Texter
The person that only sends or you only hear from on every birthday, New Years Eve, and every other major holiday.
6. The Queen of Abbreviation Texter
This texter types every message with as few of letters as possible. One of their messages might look like “lmk wat u r doin. K?”
7. The Unfashionably Late Texter
This person replies to a text message sent to them after four days and is always surprised when the plans have changed since then.
8. The pretend Texter
This is a person that pretends to be texting to avoid being the only one not on their phone. They often spend more time flipping through their contacts to decide who they should text than actually texting.
9. The Nontexter Texter
This person is never texting and is awful at responding so they mostly do not respond. If they do they keep it to one word or just enough to let the other person know that they will call them or talk to them in person if it is important.
10. The Drunk Texter
This texter happens to be the funniest and most random of all and can quite possibly include all types of texters within several messages they send.