In college, you tend to run into a lot of interesting people. Some you create lasting relationships with, some you never see again. A lot of the people you run into on campus are a lot like characters on New Girl. Here are some common college students as told by New Girl characters. Do you match any?
1. The Frat Guy: SchmidtÂ
The douche jar says it all. This is a guy who is totally about himself in every way possible and dresses in khakis and polo shirts in the dead of winter. They're often found promoting fraternity events and getting wasted on the weekend hitting on girls.
2. Education Major: Jess
The person who's always dreaming up what their future classroom will look like. Usually your mom friend. They live to be the most optimistic person they can be, but have breakdowns over whether or not they're actually capable of running a classroom someday.
3. That one guy you see in class like once before they disappear forever...: Coach
You know you know someone like this. They show up to the first day of class or so and then just disappear, never to be seen from again. Do they even go here anymore? You'll never know. If they DO ever show up, they're in the back. Probably eating food, texting or making the weirdest comments.
4. The person obsessed with their pets: Winston
I have to admit, this is totally me. Always talking about their pet, whether it's a cat, dog, or even a bird. This person goes on and on about their pets, and probably have them as their lockscreen. If you run into them at Starbucks, be ready to hear all about how their pet is doing today.
5. The Undecided Major: Nick
The person who has no clue what they want to do with their life. They might have a side project or two, but they're still struggling to find what their passion is. In the meantime they're happy just living in the moment. They refuse to be helped, and if you try to suggest that they get their life together you might feel the consequences.
6. The surprisingly nice sorority girl: CeCe
If you've ever seen a college movie, you've witnessed the evil sorority sister. This is the person that you'd expect to see at a frat party gossiping about how you slept with so and so. She's thought to be only a dumb pretty face, but she surprises you! She's down to earth, compassionate, and still totally a sorority girl, she's a CeCe.
7. The guy who never talks
This one's obviously Tran. He has never spoken or made any effort to participate in class, but somehow he seems wise and like he knows how you'll die. Usually sits in the middle of the class or towards a wall, and sometimes you forget that they're there.
8. Your friend's partner: Aly
They're super sweet, and they make your friend happy. But you really don't know much about them, other than that.
9. That person who you really want to be friends with but it never happens: Reagan
Reagan only shows up for a few episodes as a sort of stand in for Jess. She's mysterious and you desperately want to get to know her better, but she disappears before you ever get the chance to. You might see them in a club and desperately want to get to know them, but before you do they're gone forever. Kind of like Coach, except this time they don't come back.
10. The Nice Guy: Robby
The guy that one of your friends dates but he just keeps showing up. You don't mind, though, because he's a super nice guy! Don't date him though, he might be your cousin.