When you sign up for classes, you cross your fingers and hope your professor isn't like one from the horror stories you've heard from your friends. Every professor is different, and the professor you get usually determines how successful you’ll be in the course. Here are the types of professors you have in college:
The Grandparent
Sweet as can be, this old timer is as cute as a button. They give off a very grandmother/grandfatherly vibe; you wouldn’t even be surprised if they showed up to class with a plate of warm cookies. Often they chatter nostalgically during class about their past, but you are too enchanted by their stories to worry about them getting through the entire lecture.
The Passionate Speaker
This professor lives and breathes the subject they teach. When they lecture, their eyes light up and you swear you can feel a wave of their pure devotion from your seat in the last row. Sometimes they forget that their students aren’t as enthralled by the course material, and they are confused by the sleeping students that snore through class. Nonetheless they lecture on diligently, and their enthusiasm makes you want to be excited too. As much as you admire their enthusiasm, even the most passionate speaker cannot move you to love the course material.
The Devil Incarnate
You often wonder what pits of Hell this professor crawled out from. If you had known the amount of hours you would spend agonizing over the towering course load and impossible tests, you never would have clicked the deceiving “enroll” button under their name. There are many things that can make this professor your worst nightmare. Perhaps everything they say seems to contradict itself, they are unclear in their instruction, they set unreasonable standards, or they are just plain mean. Either way, you warn everyone you meet to steer clear and constantly complain about the professor that you’ve given a less-than-flattering nickname.
The Caveman
You have no doubt that their mobile device is a bulky flip-phone. This professor refuses to accept the technological advances of the 21st century, meaning you never know what grade you have in the class because they don’t know how to “post” it. They don’t use the school’s grading website, they teach by sprawling key words on a chalkboard - you’re lucky if you can even contact them through e-mail. As outdated as their teaching style may be, they still get the job done.
The Love-Hate Relationship
The class is hard. You work your butt off. But you can’t hate the professor because they are such a cool person. They are funny and charming, so even though their assignments make you want to jump off a cliff, you keep coming to class with a smile on your face.
The Counselor
You guys are on a first name basis, and you have a tendency to stay after class to vent problems that have nothing to do with their course. They are your teacher/counselor/life-adviser, and you don't know how you would have made it through the semester without their advice.
The “Chill” One
You knew after the first class that you would end the semester with an easy A. This professor made it known that they don't believe in grades, as if grades were some sort of mythical creature. The deadlines for assignments are always pushed back, if there are deadlines at all. You aren't afraid to show up ten minutes late with Dunkin' Donuts in your hand because they don't care as long as you bring them some too.
The Eye Candy
"Rate My Professor" gave them a fiery pepper, and you can confirm. This professor is both attractive and well-dressed. As a result, this is the only class where you choose to sit in the front row. Going to class is a little easier because you know there will always be a nice view.