All you're life you grew up with different types of teachers in your life. In elementary school, you would hope to get the "nice" teacher because you knew that she gave out candy on Fridays. And in high school you prayed that you got that one chill teacher because you knew he never gave out homework. Then comes college and what you thought you knew about teachers suddenly went out the window and a new breed of teachers came out to play... professors.
It's the truth when I say that a professor can make or break a class. Some professors walk into class the first day and you know it's going to be a stellar semester. But other times professors walk into class on the first day and you wondered if start writing your will right then and there.
Needless to say, by time you've taken a couple classes in college, you've experienced different types of professors and how their personality really does affect the class vibe.
With so many different types of professors out there, the best way to describe the stereotypes is through The Office characters.
1. Michael Scott Professors
Oh boy are these types of professors a treat. These professors are the one's that no matter what, you never know what to expect from them. They are so unbelievably unpredictable. Yet they strive so much to want to be your friend, they'll try the goofiest strategies of teaching to get you to like them and their class. Plus with their mannerisms, it's impossible to enjoy them and their class. They're the definition a "nutty professor"
2. Jim Halpert Professors
If you ever watched The Office then you know that Jim Halpert is one of the most chillest characters to ever grace people's televisions or computer screens. Professors of the Jim Halpert kind are very rare to come by, but when you do come across them, your life for the whole semester is one whole piece of cake. These type of professors more or less use lecture time to hang out with students.
3. Pam Beesly Professors
Like Pam in the television show, these professors come off as just your average professors. You don't hate them but your not in love with them. However throughout the semester you love their accountability and professionalism. By the end of the semester, you'll fall in love with their overlooked kindness and friendly personality, you'll be heartbroken when the last class ends.
4. Dwight Schrute Professors
These are the types of professors that are unbelievably passionate about their occupation. They are insanely smart but also slightly insane. Dwight professors are the type of professors that will give directions to the class and you can't help but laugh because you think their kidding... but then find out that they're 100% serious and your just in utter shock.
5. Andy Bernard Professors
Andy Bernard. What a character. And thats exactly the word to describe these types of professors. They're the happy go-lucky type of people and you can't help but be in a good mood after leaving their class. An important aspect of these types of professors is that they are the type of professors that try to learn everyone's name. (Or if they have large lecture halls, at least the first 3 rows.)
6. Toby Flenderson Professors.
Oh Toby, bless his poor soul. You can't help but feel a little sorry for these types of professors. The just kind of slump around campus and have extremely bad luck. Hot coffee getting spilled on them, dropping their briefcase or bag and having all the papers fly out kind of bad luck. Not to mention they have a monotone voice, they are extremely awkward during lecture.
7. Angela Martin Professors
Angela, the whole television series, seems to have something stuck up her butt. These types of professors are extremely uptight and you can't help but dread their class. They're psycho about things that other professors would easily look over. If someone's seat is squeaking, they'll point it out. If they hear a phone go off in the middle of class, oh boy is it the end of the world.