People either love or hate the rain. Personally, I have mixed emotions about the rain. Some days I like it, and some days I do not have time for it. Also, I am that person that never carries an umbrella and complains that I am soaked after I walk in the rain. Funny, right? Let me show you the different types of people when it decides to rain.
1. The "rain can't touch me" person
This person is just trying to find some shelter.
2. The slipper
You got to watch your step! Or else...TIMBERRRR!!
3. The maze runner
These people are those that like to show off. Well, good luck being sick because cardio is all day, every day no matter what.
4. "The world is ending" person
This type of person is so funny because they freak out that it is raining. Maybe they have the good threads on, or the makeup took awhile.
5. The paralyzer
This person will go into shock. This person is so in shocked that they are getting soaked that they get paralyzed(not literally).
6. "I love when it rains" person
There is always that one person that just loves when they can smell, taste, and feel the rain.
7. "I don't care anymore" person
Life is tough, school is tough, and nothing is going right. These people just give up. They just take the "L."
8. The fighter
I feel bad for these people because they are trying so hard to keep their umbrella together, but it does not work out.
9. The chaser
These people are so funny. Enough said!
Next time it rains outside, I bet you will see at least one of these types of people. You may even find out what person you are in the rain. However, stay dry and bundle up until summer!