Welcome to the Magical Kingdom that is college, filled with an endless supply of unique and interesting characters. While it may not always be the happiest place on earth, the many types of people are sure to entertain.
Here are some of the people you can expect to meet during the adventure that is college:
1. The ALWAYS sleep-deprived student.
Did this student get two hours of sleep last night? Or twelve? Who knows, either way, they'll be tired when they wake up. The always sleep deprived student doesn't need a bed to sleep either, they can fall asleep anywhere at anytime.
2. The ones who are always running late.
Like the white rabbit, this student is speedily trying to get where they need to be in time. There is almost always a very important date that they are late for. Whether it be class or a meeting, this student can be found running around campus in a hurry.
3. The old married couple.
The old married couple can truly be married, or just a couple in a very serious relationship. Like Carl and Ellie, these lovebirds are completely caught up with each other.
4. The stoners.
Glassy-eyed seemingly hypnotized, you're sure to spot some stoners on your campus.
5. The athletes.
The athletes around campus are very dedicated to the sports they play. Whether it's a school, club, or recreational team the athletes are often out on a lawn or field playing the games they love. Like Hercules, the Athletes really go the distance for the sports they love.
6. The caffeine addicts.
The caffeine addicts survive on their fuel of choice, whether it be coffee, tea, or energy drinks. These people need their caffeine to function for the day. Though, each caffeine addict needs a friend like Lilo to tell them when enough is enough.
7. The fun professors who want to be your best friend.
Maybe when you go to their class you play Jeopardy, or maybe, like Genie, they grant their students wishes and give major curves throughout the semester. Either way, this professor is easy to talk to and majorly fun.
8. The professor who probably also doesn't want to be in class.
This professor has probably been let down by their students one too many times and as a result, have lost the will to come teach each day. The plus side to these professors is they are looking forward to class ending too, so they'll let you out early, and hopefully have multiple cancellations.
9. The "Caution: we travel in packs."
These students travel in groups no smaller than three. They enjoy the company and security of their friends, making it nearly impossible to separate them. Due to the often large size of these groups, they often take up the whole sidewalk. If you see a group heading your way, it's best to just reroute yourself.
10. The musicians.
The musicians are identifiable through their ability to carry a good tune, through singing or playing an instrument. Like the Aristocats, musicians often make it look like carrying a tune is as easy as walking.
11. The optimist.
Even if they have four papers, three tests, and a project due the optimist is always in high spirits. This person is too blessed to be stressed, and everyone knows it by the smile on their face.
12. The life of the party.
Like Lumiere and Cogsworth, the "life of the party" knows how to have a good time. They know exactly how to throw an awesome mixer. And, if it's not their mixer the party doesn't start until they have arrived.
13. The gym rats.
The gym rat is most identifiable by their large muscles, and by the jug of water they take everywhere with them. Similar to Gaston, you can see the gym rat has biceps to spare, not a bit of his is scraggly or scrawny.
14. The not quite ready to be out of the nest yet.
This student probably spends most weekends traveling back home, and calling their parents to check in. There's a good chance they are receiving multiple care packages and is constantly homesick. While they are in college, they're still not quite ready to grow up.
15. The role models.
Like Mickey and Minnie, the role models are the ideal representation of the school. These students are often RA's and peer mentors. They are exactly the people you want setting an example for the new students.
16. The overachiever.
In multiple clubs, taking 20+ credits, part of Greek life, in honors societies, and maintaining a B+ average or higher. The overachiever seems to be perfect at almost everything, and work their butts off to seem that way.
17. The voice of reason.
This is the person you go to in the event of a mental breakdown. They may not even have everything together, yet they are able to whip you into shape. The voice of reason is the perfect person to study with when the chaos of finals approach.
18. Anyone involved in greek life.
Like the gods of Mount Olympus in Hercules, the Greek Life students throw awesome mixers for those involved.
19. The Jokester.
This person is able to laugh or make a joke about anything. Like Ed from the Lion King, the jokester makes life entirely more fun and entertaining.
20. The Slacker/procrastinator.
How many bothers does the slacker give? None. They have most likely already used up the amounts of classes they are able to miss if not more, and the pile of work they need to do... it can wait until tomorrow. The slacker is famous for proclaiming that they will change their ways in times of stress. But, don't be fooled they'll be back to their usual ways the moment they get another assignment.
21. The free spirit.
You most likely will find the free spirit going on as many spontaneous adventures as possible, always testing how far they can go. The free spirit has got major #Wanderlust, as you can often see on their social media.
22. The "I'm just here to party."
The "I'm just here to party" student hasn't been sober, like all week. They have participated in Messed up Monday-Sloshed Saturday. They are often asleep in class, nursing a raging hangover.
23. The random best friend.
Like Buzz and Woody, this person is with you to infinity and beyond. You may have never intended to find the random best friend, but they stick with you until the end.
24. The hermit.
This person most likely only left their room for class and food. The hermit would much rather spend their time watching Netflix or sleeping than going to parties or hanging around large groups.
25. The "Life is a breeze."
The "Life is a breeze" student has done the bare necessities to prepare for class or the upcoming test. And they'll still get a better grade than everyone else. They are floating down the lazy river of life, and still managing to be successful in what they do.
Where do you fit in?