Throughout your college experience, you are bound to attend at least one party during your time there. It may be your one and only or it may be just one of many, but nonetheless, college parties are something I believe everyone should experience in their lifetime. Whether or not you drink or engage in the party atmosphere is completely up to you; you can find fun in taking a moment to look around you and observe the people you are surrounded by. Each party typically has the same "genres" of people, so next time you are out, look around and see if you can spot each one.
1. The Beer Pongers
One of the most notorious things about college parties: beer pong. It is almost inevitable to attend a party and not see a long table filled with red solo cups.
2. The Beer Bongers
Want to get drunker, quicker? Beer bong. If you see someone walking around with what looks like an oversized funnel, you already know they're about to be out for the count.
3. The people who Snapchat everything
4. The Smokers
Usually sitting on a couch or in a spare bedroom, the smokers tend to mind their own business as long as no one messes with their weed.
5. The people who are overly dressed up
If you want to dress up and look nice, by all means, do you. It just looks funny to some of us when you come to a dingy little house party looking like you're about to attend a gala.
6. The Hopeless Romantic
There is always the guy who thinks he will find his true love by using more often thsn not, extremely corny pick up lines. They're most likely extremely used to rejection, so walking away is probably the smartest idea if you're not interested.
7. The girls who feel like need to scream constantly
I understand it is loud in here, but screaming at the top of your lungs is not going to help the problem. And really, I know you're excited when you see you friend come in and I am extremely guilty of this also, but screaming "YAAAAS" when you see them probably isn't the smartest thing if you want to be safe from a noise complaint.8. The Conga Line to the bathroom
I'm not particularly sure why this occurs, but it seems like every time one girl has to go to the bathroom, their whole entire friend group accompanies them. I'm guilty of doing this also but the more I think about it, the less I understand why it happens.
9. The Shotgunners
Like the beer bong, shotgunning is another way to get drunk quickly by consuming a large around of alcohol in a short amount of time. All of those cans on the ground with holes in them have a reason to them.
10. The Wannabe Aux DJ
Fighting for the aux cord may just be one of the most difficult, yet most important jobs at the party. The music is key to having a good party and hyping people up.
11. The Dancers
If you want to dance, dance. There is no one stopping you and honestly it will probably make the party more enjoyable.
12. The Drunk Cryer
Relationship problems, stress, or most likely something miniscule, drunk crying unfortunately happens to the best of us.
13. The Designated Driver
It is usually pretty easy to spot the DD. They try to have fun and make the best of their time there, but with everyone around them not sober, it is a little more difficult for them to have as much fun.
14. The Creepy Old Guy
For some odd reason, there always seems to be that one middle aged man roaming around that no one seems to know.
15. The Scavengers
Last but not least, there are always the people, myself included, who only care about what we're eating after we leave. Sometimes we may not even be able to wait until the party is over and try to find food around the house to munch on until later.
Whether or not you ever decide to attend a party is completely up to you. It is not for everyone but it is definitely a sight to see. If you have already gone to parties, most likely you have spotted some of these people along the way, and maybe you can even relate to some of them.