If you're like me, you have been to a handful of concerts in your life. The atmosphere that a concert provides is unlike any other. The ear wrenching music, the main act, sweaty bodies, and overpriced food and drinks all make the night so memorable. However, have you ever thought about the types of people you see at a concert? There are eight certain people who you encounter at every concert who add to the atmosphere and truly make the concert complete.
The person who records or Snapchats the entire concert
Be honest, we've all been there.
However, some people never seem to learn. They pull out their phone and start recording; but also, NEVER STOP recording. They live the entire concert through their phone and truly never experience it in the now. So, if you're guilty of this, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
None of your friends on Snapchat want to hear you obnoxiously sing with the rest of the arena. Please, take a picture to have as a memory, and then put your phone down for the rest of the night. You and I both know that you will never watch those videos again.
The cheapskates
Concerts are expensive! From the tickets to the food and drinks to the memorabilia. Chances are you will leave the venue having spent a couple of hundreds of dollars. BUT, there is ALWAYS that one person you overhear complaining about the prices. Musicians/dancers/etc., have to make a living and support themselves somehow. Obviously, you enjoy watching this person perform or you wouldn't have paid money for tickets in the first place, right? So, that will be $60 for that shirt.
The drunks
Dancing obnoxiously, singing on top of their lungs, and spilling drinks left and right. The drunks. Every concert has their handful and makes every parent regret buying their ten-year-old daughter tickets. They can't remember anything the next day but know for sure that they had a good time.
The party poopers
Despite the drunks having the time of their lives, there are also those who have to make everyone else's time miserable.
I recently attended a concert and witnessed the "party poopers" first hand. "Sit down," "be quiet," "JUST SIT DOWN!"
When deciding to attend a concert or not, you have to ask yourself, am I really going to pay $50+ to sit in my seat, as if I'm glued to it, and watch a performer for the entire night? If you answer yes, stay home and watch the concert on Youtube or go to an opera, please.
The people where a bikini would be less revealing than their outfit
To put it nicely, if you walked downstairs and your mom saw you wearing that outfit, she would ask you to go change. I don't understand what it is about girls and concerts. Why do some feel the need to wear nothing (almost)? Booty shorts, a crop top that has a "v" cut down to your belly button, and a pair of 4 in+ heels.
You CANNOT be comfortable, and don't you get cold?
The die-hard fans
Guilty. I have been to a couple of concerts in my lifetime where I know every lyric, each musician's birthday, their mom's birthday, and their seventh once removed cousin's favorite color.
The die-hard fans stick out like a sore thumb. They're usually decked out in merch from head to toe, have a least one sign reading "*Insert some stars name* marry me," and can't stop fangirling about being in the same premise as their favorite musician.
These people make you chuckle, but also check your surroundings to make sure you don't stick out as bad, too.
The "I have to be in bed by 10"
Chances are, the "I have to be in bed by 10" people will crash and leave before the main act is halfway over. Also, refer to #4, you could learn something, because if you're going to bail early, maybe you shouldn't buy a ticket for a Wednesday night concert.
The dad
"Honey, Amanda has tickets for 5 Seconds of Summer! Would you please take her and her friends? I bought a ticket for you, too!"
Ah, yes, the dads. AKA, they were dragged against their will because mom had a sip and paint night with her girlfriends.
Cue the "Are you serious?" look.
But seriously, major creds to the dads who have been dragged to sit through a three hour One Direction, 5SOS, Justin Beiber, etc. concert. You, sir, are the real hero here and your daughters thank you.
Concerts account for a night that most will never forget. If you are lucky enough to go to a concert, enjoy your time and make the most out of the experience because there is nothing like it. So, dance the night away, sing at the top of your lungs, and spend a little too much money.