Senior year of high school, everyone says how they can't wait to move out of *insert small suburban town here* because they're "sick of it", or "can't take it anymore". Well, college is a huge wake-up call where we soon realize that being stuck in a whole new environment miles away from home is not what we thought it would be like. What people don't realize is how it affects our parents even more. They raised us for eighteen years and are now forced to dump us off at college. Here are three types of parents people have in college:
1. The helicopter mom X3,000.
You thought she was bad in high school, but now you are in a new city with new people, with no way of introducing her to all of your friends, and proving you're actually doing homework instead of playing beer pong. Having free range because parents aren't here to check up on you every hour you aren't in class doesn't mean they won't want to check up on you. If this mom calls, you answer it or call her back as soon as you are physically able to do so. She is not afraid to call five times and for the sixth call be to the police. At the end of the day, this mom cares about you and all you are going to accomplish in college. Just give her a call and tell her you're alive everyday.
2. The chill parents.
These parents are here to financially support you and take you out to dinner every once in a while (depending on how close they are). They expect a call every few days but are for the most part easy going and trust your educational decisions. In that trust, however, is a verbal contract where you agree to study hard, drink responsibly, and not get into trouble with the authorities. If you cross the line at any point, the chill parents become helicopter parents in the snap of a finger.
3. The super chill parents.
These parents couldn't care less about what you're doing as long as you don't get in trouble. If you mess up, they don't get mad -- they just cut you off financially without a word. If you screw up or get in trouble, they send your aunt down to deal with you. If you miss home, you have to call them because there is not chance in hell they will call you first. They love you, but expect you to keep your act together.
Wherever your parents land on the spectrum, just know they love you and are there for you -- some more than others...