If you're going to be new to college soon, it's important to know about some of the different types of roommates/suitemates you may encounter. It's also important to know that there are many people out there who live a lot differently than you, and this article is going to go over that.
Living with new people doesn't have to be challenging all the time. Knowing what kind of person they maybe will be helpful to you in the future, and hopefully, there won't be any issues. But hey, things happen.
The Homebody
I personally relate to this kind of roommate. Maybe they live hours away from school and miss their family a lot. Sometimes they might have their parents over on the weekends.
So maybe then, you'll have the room to yourself while they're gone home for the weekend. They love spending quality time with their friends and loved ones!
The Not-So-Organized
Hey, it happens to us all. Classes get hard, the weeks get hectic, and the last thing you or they might want to do is pick up all your clothes on the floor, do your laundry, wash dishes, clean up your papers, or dust.
A lot of times, those chores will pile up, and I mean actually start to pile up. Hopefully, it's not so much of a mess that it's impossible to live in, but if they need help, don't be afraid to ask if they need help with anything. Even if it's not cleaning, they will hopefully have more time to do their cleaning.
Be honest and tell them something needs cleaning or that it shouldn't be as dirty. If you need to, making a chores chart or schedule could really benefit your room or suite!
The Quiet One
Some people probably just don't like talking. And that's okay! It doesn't mean they don't like you. They may need time to get to know you a bit better and just warm up to you and their new environment.
Try starting small talk and if it doesn't work out, giving them space is the respectful thing to do. Don't forget to invite your quiet friends to places! Just because they may seem quiet, doesn't mean they don't want to have fun.
The Spawn of Satan
Listen, we all meet people we don't particularly like, but living with them can be hard. There are a lot of these types, and it can be really tricky to know just what to do about it. Sometimes, having a respectful conversation can help out, whether it's just the two of you or you need an RA or friend to be there.
Own up to your mistakes, and maybe they'll own up to theirs. Or maybe you'll never get along and that does happen, and it's normal.
Don't try to stir up any drama, try to go into a confrontation or conversation with a clear head and open mind. I promise that it will be okay and most likely, you'll never see them again after school.
The Partier
Partying is fun! And I don't want to discourage anyone from going out now and then, because it's important to have fun in college, too! But, this roommate may like to party on a Tuesday night.
And then on Wednesday. And then Thursday, and so forth. Having an honest talk with them may help, and hopefully, you can set boundaries and come up with a solution.
Also, make sure they don't have a serious drinking problem, because that's no fun and no joke, either.
The Best Friend
I hope you all find this type of roommate one day because I have and I wouldn't have traded anything in the world for a better roommate and friend in my life who I can trust to be myself around.
They are the ones that will take care of you when you're sick, respectfully push you out of your comfort zone, love you for who you are, stay up with you in the morning to help you study for an exam or just talk about life.
They'll be there for you through it all. Cherish all your times together, and keep in touch, but of course you will! Because you're best friends. :)
I hope this helps! Be a good roommate!