In the past year or two Snapchat has become popular. Facebook is becoming a thing of the past and Snapchat is moving up in the Social Media pool. It seems as if people are starting to add each other on Snapchat before other Social Networking platforms. If you have Snapchat you know how “My Stories” work. The following are some types of snapchatters who post stories on a regular basis.
1) Dog Filter User
There is always someone who thinks the dog filter is the best thing imaginable and constantly posts pictures/videos of them with it. It was cute the first time and maybe the second but it’s honestly not as cute as you think it is.
2)Sneaky Filter User
This one is probably my favorite. It’s hilarious when people post videos of their friends with a filter on them. It’s even funnier when they don’t realize it.
3)Pet Owner
Instead of having a photo album of your pet on Facebook pet owners moved to Snapchat to share all of their pets cuteness.
4) Work Complainer
Everyone understands that you don’t want to go to work.. But in the words of Rihanna, you gotta go to work.
5)Selfie Queen/King
That one person who posts multiple selfies. You think you look good? Awesome! But I don’t want to see a minutes worth of you in 6 different poses. That’s what the camera roll is for.
6) Relationship Boaster
This goes for either sex, we all have someone who posts constant stories about their significant other.
7) Annoying Poster
Maybe I’m the only one, but there are some people on Snapchat that when their name pops up I just keep clicking so the notification will go away.
8) Workout Guru
You’re going to the gym? Working out on a daily basis? Good for you! But you don’t have to post a picture of yourself every time. Are you going there to workout or just for the picture?
9) Partier
That one person who goes to a party and posts a ton of stories about how drunk they are.