Whether you love em or hate em, you've probably been in at least one group chat in your life. Group chats are your source of entertainment, gossip, and the reason for your phone freezing or the battery dying. All groups chats have at least one of these types of people in them. So the question is: which one are you?
1) The Goofball
This is one of your funniest friends. No matter what everyone is talking about in the groupchat, this friend will always find a way to make all of you laugh out loud.
2) The Sarcastic One
This is your sassiest friend. This friend will always respond to any text in a clever or sassy way.
3) The Gossip
This person is the Gretchen Weiners of your friend group. They always know what the latest is regarding anyone and everyone. They talk to a lot of people and stalk a lot celebs. They're probably your best guide to finding any juicy information out.
4) The Lurker
This is the person in the group chat who is reading all the texts and knows what everyone is up to but never really give any of their own input or share any personal details. They're just in the corner listening...watching...
5) The Curious One
This is the person in the group chat that always has a million questions. They never seem to know what's going on and don't contribute seem to contribute much other than the questions they're always asking everyone.
6) The Bored One
This person is always trying to make plans. They always seem to be free and just want to hang out with their best friends.
7) The Supporter
This person is truly always there for you. Let's face it... we all get a little offended when we think we've sent a great text to the group and no one responds. This person will back up your ideas, respond to your text when no one else does, and help you with anything. These are the best kind of people in a group chat.