1. The Cool Mom
The cool mom wants everyone to know and like her. Her kids’ popularity is important to her. Her goal is to be friends with everyone, including her children and their friends. She loves hosting parties for other parents and parties or sleepovers for her kids. She is the mom that always has the trendy hairstyle and is dressed in the latest fashion. Her kids always look stylish too. They even get the toys and gadgets as soon as they come out. Appearance is everything! The cool mom hates to tell her kids “NO” fearing they’ll be mad at her. That’s another reason she gives her kids so much freedom. Her house is typically the hangout too.
2. The Strict Mom
This mom runs her house like it is a business. She has no room for nonsense, and she wants things done her way. She is a strict disciplinarian that enforces consequences for any mistake or misbehavior. Her children do not usually talk to her about their problems because they are a little scared of her. They definitely do not want to risk upsetting or disappointing her. These kids will have several responsibilities at home. School is a major priority as well. They expect straight A’s on all report cards. This mom holds her children to a much higher standard than most kids their age. They do not have much freedom. They are usually too busy working at their parents business or taking care of household duties anyway.
3. The Hot Mess Mom
The Hot Mess Mom always looks like she has been going 90 to nothing. She probably has on sweats or jeans with a tee shirt, no makeup, and her hair in a bun or ponytail when you see her. She is never early. She will either be right on time or late. She is pretty unorganized, or at least looks like it. She can be forgetful either because she is overwhelmed or absentminded. Even though she is late, scattered, and forgetful, she is reliable. She will show up…eventually. She will follow through…some time. This mom does her best, even though it doesn’t appear that way.
4. The Easy-Going Mom
This mom is just what her title says, easy going. She is calm and unfazed by life’s little challenges. She doesn’t rush her kid to the doctor for every small fever or cough. She doesn’t freak out when her kids are misbehaving or her baby is crying in public. Chances are everyone else will get more annoyed with her kids than she will. It is very likely she has multiple kids; this is not her first rodeo. Multitasking is her middle name. She always knows exactly what is going on with her kids and can manage to remember their ever-changing schedules. She is not like the overbearing, clingy style parent either. She gives her kids some freedom to make their own choices, but not like the mom that tries to be cool. This mom is more balanced. She tries to take and combine the best of all parenting styles. She wants to be fun, but will not be walked all over either. This is one fierce and loyal momma.
5. The Fabulous Facebook Mom
This mom is all about appearances. Not only does she always look perfect, but she seems to have it all too. Her makeup is always done, she loves wearing high heels to any and all school events, and her nail polish always matches her outfit. The family home is beautiful and always clean. This fabulous mom even decorates for every holiday! Furthermore, you will never see her drive a car for more than 2-3 years. She is always smiling alongside her happy kids. The entire family is perfect. They do not make mistakes and you will never hear them complaining. Lastly, this mom is a figment of your imagination. Mothers are so critical, and mostly toward themselves. They tend to think other moms magically have it all together and live some perfect life. WRONG! Sure, there are moms that try to convince others of this facade, usually via Facebook, but trust me, it is all an illusion. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has issues. No, I’m not saying you should announce your problems on social media, but don’t judge other people’s lives by the highlights they post. As for the mothers that try to make you believe they have the perfect life, steer clear of them. They must be delusional.
6. Helicopter Mom
Oh, the helicopter mom, also known as the Smother. We have all heard of this lady. She has a reputation of being crazy and overly obsessed with her kids; even a little creepy at times. She documents everything they do, usually by following them around. She is the mom that gets involved in the planning of all school events. She will even be the first one to sign up to chaperone. Other moms don’t care much for her, but she couldn’t care less. Her kids and being a mom are what is important to her. When she is not with her kids, she is usually doing something for them like cleaning their room, folding their underwear, or collecting donations for their fundraiser. They do their best to make sure their kids have an easy, stress-free life.
7. The New Mom
She knows the recommended amount of everything. She has read what is best for child and insists on doing things the way the “experts” say. Her baby will be on a regulated sleeping and feeding schedule. Everyone will thoroughly wash their hands like they are about to perform a surgery before holding her infant; that is if you have had your shots. Bottles will not be washed in a dishwasher, nor heated in a microwave. When the baby becomes a toddler, everything is baby proofed to the extreme. Her kid will never be allowed to eat dirt, which we all know strengthens your immune system. Duh! This poor mom thinks she knows everything, usually because she read it somewhere. She gets too caught up in making sure everything is done the “right” way. Most of the time, she has a lot of anxiety because of it. Eventually she will live and learn (then buy Luvs or whatever is chemical-free and certified organic).
8. The Guilt-Free Mom
This mom is usually the career mom, but not always. Sometimes this is a mom others think is self-centered because she doesn’t revolve her life around her kids. She doesn’t change her plans for her children. She loves her kids and they are a priority, just not her top priority. She has a lot of help with her kids; their dad, a nanny, or other family and friends help her out as needed. In some cases, they do more for her kids than she does, but she refuses to feel guilty about that. This doesn’t necessarily mean she is self-centered either. She just likes to make time for herself. Ironically enough, her kids are usually pretty responsible for their age. Maybe we should all take some pointers from this mom after we drop her kid off at practice.
9. The Organic Mom
When you see this mom, you immediately notice her bohemian style. Her kids will look pretty stylish too. This mom used cloth diapers or just let her kids run around in the buff. She definitely has a garden, and maybe some chickens or even a cow. She only buys organic, gluten free foods. Her family recycles, reuses or up-cycles everything. She makes her own soaps and detergents, and her dryer is a clothes line in the backyard. She is determined to take care of the environment. It is not just the earth she is concerned about, she is also aware of her own health and well-being. This fit mom is probably into yoga and likes to take her kids hiking or for a family bike ride. She enjoys walking her kids to school and even though you are neighbors, you don’t mind passing them in your car as you enter the parent drop off line with your kids.
10. Super Mom
This is the mom we all try to be; the one that tries to do it all. Her life revolves around helping others, mainly her children, and she rarely asks for help. Her needs always take a back seat for her family. Most of her free time is spent volunteering at her little ones school, attending PTA meetings, or helping the Booster Club. She is always the homeroom and team mom for all of her kids. She is always there whenever they need her. If one of them forgot their lunch or needs a paper signed, she rushes to the school. Somehow she manages to hold down a job, do all the cooking and cleaning, and most of the carpooling. This woman does more in one day than most people do in a week. She is a kind and loving mom, but don’t cross her or she will remind you of everything she has ever done for you. She wants to feel needed and appreciated. She doesn’t handle being taken for granted that well. She expects you appreciate things she chose to do, even if you didn’t know about them. For example, she needs you to acknowledge that she didn’t go to a party because you had a game she didn’t want to miss or that she didn’t go to a girls night with her friends because she was too tired after carting you and your friends around.