As Valentine's Day is right around the corner, I feel it's up to me (as a single gal myself) to let you guys know exactly what type of guys you'll probably encounter on the app. So, over the past view months I've been on Bumble, I've matched with quite the variety of "interesting" men - some a little too "interesting" to be honest. After around a month on the app, I noticed there is a pattern or type of guys that I match with. Here's a list of a few of them!
1. The Playboy
Odds are he's good-looking -maybe even athletic- but one thing that's for sure is his readiness to, "get to know you better." He has ALL the player moves. He'll constantly call you, "sexy" or "baby" and will probably ask you more "risqué" questions under the guise of seeing if you two are compatible.
2. Mr. Soulmate
After only a few weeks of chatting, this is the kind of man who starts confessing his undying love for you. OKAY, so maybe not his undying love, but he'll certainly speak a ton about the unique "connection" you both share. He'll talk about how amazing you'll both get along IRL and will probably spend quite a deal of time speaking about how great you are - Which is cool, but is also kind of annoying, tbh.
3. Mr. Know-it-all
Unlike Mr. Intellectual, he's not the "smartest" apple in the bunch, but he sure talks like he is! He'll fact check you at least once during each convo. He's probably the most annoying out of all the guys you'll likely match with.
4. The Athlete
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He's super cute, chill, and a star athlete. But, with being an athlete comes a very demanding schedule, leaving him little time to reply to your messages. He'll only actually text you occasionally, but he's cute so...
5. Mr. Ego
Conclusion: he's hot and he knows it.
6. Mr. Good Ole' Boy
My personal favorite, the good ole' Southern boy, is charming, witty, and he probably plays rugby or lacrosse for some private school that boasts a higher tuition than the price tag on a new, luxury car. He'll meet all your Southern gentleman fantasies, no doubt; but, he'll also be more or less entitled and will think his time spent on you without getting his "needs" met, is a waste of his precious time. My reply is: #WasteHisTime2020. LOL.
7. The Intellectual
Now, he probably doesn't look like Einstein (unless that's your type - no judgement here!), but he sure thinks he is! This type of match was likely in all the clubs and honor societies in high school. Now, as a college student, he makes the dean's list every semester and prides himself on being president of the SGA. Your convos may be a little dry (I know, surprise, surprise), but he can always help you with that dreaded calculus homework.
8. The Big Man on Campus
Just from his profile pics you can tell he's gorgeous, tall, and oh-so popular! He'll likely tell you of all the fun he has on the weekends, and how girls 'lose their breath' over him. He's a bit narcissistic, in all honesty.
9. The Sweet-talker
He'll call you things like "gorgeous" and "beautiful" so often that you may start to think those are the only words in his vocabulary. In general, he's very adjective-happy and quick to tell you all the "wonderful' things about you (regardless of only knowing you for a few days). In fact, his very first reply to your greeting is probably, "hey, beautiful." What a charmer.