The 7 Types Of Girls You Will Meet At Texas A&M
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Student Life

The 7 Types Of Girls You Will Meet At Texas A&M

Is she more into Corps Cadets or Cowboys?

The 7 Types Of Girls You Will Meet At Texas A&M

At a school of over 60,000 students, you will encounter a lot of girls in your 4 years. While they will all have their differences, they also have their similarities. The girls of Texas A&M, like The 7 Types Of Guys You Will Meet At Texas A&M, tend to fall into the following distinct stereotypes...

1. The Sorority Woman

This Homecoming Queen was a multi-sport athlete and, of course, a cheerleader. She now plans her sorority’s mixers and date parties instead of homecoming week festivities, and her love for community service has only grown due to her chapter’s philanthropy. She prides herself on her involvement around campus and can always be spotted in her letters!

Except, on the rare occasion, that she finds herself at Logan’s on Campus. Those rare occasions being every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night between the hours of 12 and 2 am. If you are looking for someone classy that has a resume fit to impress your mom, this is the girl for you!

2. The Non-Sorority Woman

This girl joined an organization with 100+ other women, but is NOT in a sorority, just FYI. The difference lies in the fact that women’s organizations are not nationally recognized. Which would you rather have on your resume? Anyways, the non-sorority woman strictly associates herself with non-fraternity men.

These ladies and gentleman believe themselves to be the truest and purest form of Aggies on campus, while still holding their philanthropy banners in the Academic Plaza, just like everyone else. If you are looking for someone who claims not to be basic, but still has their affiliations in their Instagram bio, this is the girl for you!

3. The Chaser

The best way to describe this girl is ambitious. She knows what she wants, or better yet who she wants, and she is going to go after it… or him. There are many types of chasers, but at Texas A&M there are two in abundance: Boot Chasers and Cleat Chasers. Boot Chasers hold the traditions of the university dear to their heart. That is obviously why they spend so much time on campus near the realm of the boys in khaki.

The Cleat Chasers on the other hand, prefer to spend their time on the north side of campus, sometimes called Northgate. They run in small blonde entourages and have each applied multiple times to work for Aggie Football Life. If you are looking for someone who is dedicated to a cause, this is the girl for you!

4. The Instagram Model

This girl frequented your popular page until you decided to follow her. Now you have become one of her multitude of likes, and despite your best efforts, you find yourself thoroughly impressed with her aesthetic. You also can not help but wonder who takes all these professional photos for her all the time???

You were convinced she was not real until you spotted the Instagram Model walking across campus in her “uh huh honey” hat and Adidas shoes… She is a sponsored member of the #threestripelife. If you are looking for a boost in followers and someone who is out of your league, this is the girl for you!

5. The Cowgirl

This girl can do it all: hunt, fish, rope, ride, and, of course, two-step. She is a proud student of the Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She wears her cowboy boots on way more occasions than just Aggie game days, and she is an avid fan of Texas country music. So yes, you can find her at every concert Hurricane Harry’s has to offer arriving in her truck with pink decals and a sticker on the back that reads “Trucks are for the girls!” If you are looking for someone who can drive your big yee yee truck better than you can, this is the girl for you!

6. The ~Wise~ Girl

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future… Or so says the verse in her Instagram bio. This girl spends her spring breaks on mission trips and her summers at Christian camps… The life of a true missionary. While she is on a mission for Christ, I cannot forget to mention that she is also on a mission to find her husband. A ring by spring is no joking matter to the wise girl. If you are looking for someone who is patiently waiting to be properly pursued, while simultaneously posting VSCO edited portraits of her friends humbly calling them ~wise~ rather than herself, this is the girl for you!

7. The Independent

I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T if ya know what that means! This girl does. For whatever reason, she chose not to get involved and she thrives this way. She looks at girls who crave acceptance as dependent, and she thinks she is better preparing herself for the “real world” where your organizations and affiliations do not matter. If you are looking for someone who thinks outside the box and is not afraid to walk in a room alone, this is the girl for you!

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