College is a place where you make friends and figure out who you are. When you are in college, you gain a wide range of friends that you might not even realize you have.
These are 13 types of friends you have in college.
1. The friends you go out with.
Pretty sure everyone has a specific girl gang that when they all get together, the night ends with a lot of weird drunk Snapchats and cry sessions over how much you love each other.
2. Your friend's friends.
You hang out with them when your friends are around, but going up to them when your friends aren't around feels awk.
3. You roommates.
You worry when they don't come home, you cook meals together and you hang out in your PJs and discuss your days together. You're basically married.
4. The friend that is just as horrible as you.
Sometimes you need to rant or make stupid decisions and just have someone who gets and encourages it.
5. You friends from home.
They will always have a place in your heart. They are proof that long distance relationships can work.
6. Friends you study with.
We all have one friend who lives in the library and is always super stressed about their grades and inspires you to stress about yours as well.
7. The friend you sit next to in class.
You ONLY see them in class and they are always your partner for assignments. The people you sit next to earn a special place in your heart for getting through the semester with you.
8. The friend you make plans with but never actually hangout with.
You guys always end up canceling or never make the time to do anything.
9. Your work friends.
These people somehow know all of your deepest and darkest secrets, even though you may never see them outside of work.
10. The friends you soft smile at in public but hug and talk to while drunk.
Acquaintances? Maybe that's what you call them...
11. Friend with the boyfriend/fling/hookup that you HATE.
She insists on bringing him around but you really can't stand the stupid smug look on his face.
12. The person you want to be best friends with but they are too cool for you.
Her Instagram feed is perfect. Her wardrobe is perfect. She's nice AND pretty. Just striving to have your life seem as put together as hers.
13. Your friend with all of the connections.
This girl knows every bouncer, can get you free Uber rides and you can't go out in public with her without AT LEAST five people recognizing her and saying hi.