Within a friend group, there are a ton of people that all take on different roles, even if it is not intentional. These roles are especially shown when a friend group goes out to a party. Some friends get awkward, some get emotional and some flat out don't want to even be there.
Here are just a couple of the roles friends fall into in the party atmosphere:
1. The Hugger
Whether you are their best friend or a complete stranger, this friend will give you the biggest hug ever.
2. The Brutally Honest
This friend has no problem saying exactly what is on their mind. If your outfit is ugly, they will tell you...straight up.
3. The Clueless
There is always that one friend who doesn't know the plan or what is going on in general. They're always asking questions or going with the flow.
4. The One With A Small Bladder
Whether you are there for two seconds or two hours, this friend always has to go to the bathroom at the most inconvenient times.
5. The Affectionate One
This friend will get very close to you and tell you just how much they love you. They rant about how awesome of a friend you are for a solid 10 minutes at each party.
6. The Silent One
There is always that one friend that is just quiet at a party. They dance and do their own thing without saying a word.
7. The Yeller
This friend will scream if their favorite song comes on, if they see someone they know, and about basically anything else.
8. The Cranky One
There is always someone in a bad mood who gets mad and tells everyone to shut up.
9. The Dancer
This friend is not afraid to bust a move when their favorite song comes on.
10. The Hungry One
Whether they want Chinese food, pokey sticks or Canyon Pizza, this friend is already worried about what they're going to eat when they get back from the party.
11. The Mom
This friend is always making sure that everyone gets to the party, is ok at the party, and gets home safely from the party. They're the much needed 'party mom.'