It's that time of the year again, when you're forced to dig through your closet and find the perfect outfit to sport your patriotic red, white and blue. Maybe you've been wearing the same t-shirt and shorts combination for five years, or maybe you'd like to splurge on a new get-up for this fine American holiday. Whatever the case, there are several different types of 4th of July outfits, and many of them aren't pretty.
1. The "Typical Dad Move" Outfit
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For many 40-year-old dads, no 4th of July is complete without some jorts and a nice red t-shirt that was probably bought 10 years ago. Throw in some brown mandals and a baseball cap, and this outfit is absolutely flawless.
2. The "I Just Spent $50 at Old Navy" Outfit
Remember when you were a kid and your mom forced you to wear an American flag shirt from Old Navy...three years in a row? Old Navy has 4th of July options for the whole family, and don't forget to pick up some patriotic flip flops (2 for $5!).
3. The "I'm Definitely in a Frat" Outfit
American flag Chubbies are a must-have for this look, along with some Sperrys and a cold can of Natty Light. Maybe even take a quick picture for your Instagram followers to show them just how fratty you truly are. #Merica
4. The "DIY Crafter" Outfit
This one is honestly pretty impressive to me. This outfit is one of extreme crafting skills, and no matter how much help I get from Pinterest, I know I will never be able to master the art of homemade American flag shorts.
5. The "My Crush Is Going To Be At This Party" Outfit
Some people use the Fourth of July to show a little skin. This outfit usually consists of some sort of crop top with a pair of high-waisted jean shorts. The perfect scheme to get your crush's attention in the most patriotic of ways!
6. The "I'm Staying In Bed and Watching Netflix All Night" Outfit
No 4th of July plans? No problem! Sit back and relax in your favorite robe with some Netflix and a steaming bowl of mac and cheese. Nothing says "America" quite like that.
I am personally looking forward to observing all of these types of 4th of July apparel this year, and maybe check out some new red, white and blue trends. God bless America!