Throughout your long day at work you will most likely encounter one, or all, of these customers.
1. The "I would like to speak to your manager" customer
This is the customer who you've calmly explained something to multiple times but they still don't want to listen. In most cases, your manager will tell the customer the exact same thing you've just tried to explain.
2. The sympathetic customer
These are by far the best customers. Chances are, this customer has been in your shoes before and knows the struggle. They don't mind if you have to leave the register for a minute, they've been there.
3. The "heres my life story" customer
This is the customer who thinks that your main job is to be there therapist. Although you have a hundred things to do and a nice line of customers, you know if you don't listen to this person's entire existence, they will probably turn into the "I would like to speak to your manager" customer.
4.The friendly daily customer
You two have been encountering each other for some time, and you've probably established a friendship. He/she knows all the drama that went down at your family Christmas party, and you know all about how their son hasn't called them in weeks.
5. The rude daily customer
Contrary to the friendly daily customer, you absolutely despise the rude daily customer. Lets be honest, every time this customer walks through, you suddenly have to run in the back and grab something.
6.The "I've got no time" customer
This customer is very easy to detect because before you can even say hello, they have already ordered and paid. This customer is also the one who usually throws money on the counter because who has time for hands!?