Having a roommate in college is one of the key parts of your college experience. You may get along with some off the bat, and some may not be your match. Either way, you'll know a lot more about that person when being around them 24/7.
I had some HORRIBLE roommates in college and I also had AMAZING ones. Here are a few types of roommates that you'll get in college:
1. The one roommate who NEVER leaves the room/apartment
Yes, THAT roommate. When you come home from classes, she's there; when you want to go to the kitchen, she's cooking; when you want to use the bathroom, she's already in it for 4 hours; or when you want to be alone, you can't get it because…SHE'S THERE! You start to wonder if they have friends or not. You and that roommate may get along, but it's hard to get some alone time when she's always there.
2. Or that one roommate who is NEVER there
You wake up and she's already gone. Or when you go to sleep, that's when she comes in. You sometimes wonder what they're up to or if they even go to class. You might as well be living in a single at this point.
3. The roommate with the boyfriend
You're used to getting text messages like, "hey can I have ______ over?" Or getting a text from your roommate giving you a heads up about her boyfriend coming over and she needs the room. And yes, after a while it gets ANNOYING. This happened to me and all I can say is, put your foot down.
4. The one who brings a different dude over every week
The number of guys coming into your dorm like a revolving door is SERIOUS. But, it's absolutely none of my business. Just don't be pressured to remember any names.
5. That one roommate who needs a certificate for being messy because damn.
No, this is disgusting, I shouldn't have to look at your nasty self. The garbage can and hamper are RIGHT THERE. It's weird because you see people in public, but then living in a room with them is a disappointment. Get it together, slob.
6. The roommate who steals
There's a difference between borrowing something and plain stealing. Seriously, if you don't ask me, I will turn into the coldest roommate you have ever lived with. Touch my Cheez Doodles and you will feel the wrath…okay?
7. The roommate who writes passive aggressive notes
If you sleep five feet away from me, you can just say it to me. This is the type of roommate that will tell you what to do but never tell you to your face because she's either afraid of confrontation or just likes to get under your skin…mainly the confrontation.
8. The roommate who parties every other night
Girl, it's Tuesday…and no, it's not even syllabus week either.
9. That one roommate who doesn't believe in clothes.
Yes, you read that right. I actually walk around in a giant T-Shirt with no pants, but chilllll, when I say, "no clothes," I mean like FREE-SPIRITED no clothes.
11.  That one roommate who does not know what a SHOWER is.
This is no excuse. Air freshener can only do so much to a room. They sell deodorant and body wash at the campus store for a reason.
12. The roommate that talks to herself
No, I'm not kidding, like legit conversations. Make sure she goes to sleep before you so she doesn't do something to you…I'm serious.