During the holiday season, it can be hard to find the perfect gift for everyone. "Overwhelming" is an understatement when trying to make sure friends, parents, long-lost relatives, and your significant other are all pleased by your presents. Everyone has a different process for buying their gifts...
Gives you exactly what you ask for
This is the best kind of giver because you know you’ll love your present- it is what you asked for and picked out. You might have a put on your fake "surprised" face, but there is no worrying about opening up an ugly sweater that is 3 sizes too big.
Gives you what THEY would like
We are all guilty of giving our friends something we like just so that we can borrow it in the future. We try to convince ourselves "if I love it, they must too!"
The re-gifter
Wait, didn’t I see you get that from grandma last year?
Adds their name to someone else's gift
When you wake up on Christmas eve and realize you forgot to get Aunt Susie a present, sometimes it’s easier to just add your name to the card on the box of chocolates your mom bought her.
The procrastinator
You're probably going to get money or gift-cards from this person. By the time they remembered to get a gift, all the stores were closed.
The homemade gift giver
You can always expect the latest DIY project or a batch of homemade cookies from this giver. While people typically tease them for not “spending enough money” on presents, we are all secretly envious of their talents and wish we had thought of such a meaningful gift.
So, what kind of giver are you this holiday season?