Type A, Type B — what does that even mean? How can you label a person by their "type"? Everyone has his or her own personality, so how does it fit into a category?
Type A: The friend who is a go-getter. This person is always going and trying to do more. She is stubborn and demanding, and likes to get the job done. Sometimes you will find a Type A who will submit, but usually she is the leader of the group and will not back down. These people are generally very successful, as they work extremely hard for what they want. Although these people have a great work ethic and leadership skills, they can be hard to compromise with. If you put two Type As together on a project, it could get dirty. But sometimes, two Type A people will get along very well, because they are both driven and share the same goals.
Type B: The perfect opposite of a Type A personality is a person with a Type B personality. These people are more creative and look at the world differently. Instead of being work-driven, they are more relaxed. Type A and Type B usually get along great if you believe that "opposites attract" is the best formula for a relationship, whether you are just friends, or more. Type B people usually are more patient with others and take their time while doing things. A benefit of being Type B is that you will stop to appreciate the simple things in life that Type As may run right by because they are too busy searching for how to get to the top, without enjoying the ride along the way.
So where do you fit? A, B or somewhere in between? Scientists have gathered up tons of new personality types, but these are the original two. Regardless of where you fit in, you have your own unique traits that mesh well with certain types of individuals. Knowing this information may help you become better at understanding who you will work with best.