Okay, let's talk about cow farts. When cows fart, they produce a variety of different greenhouse gases; however, the gas that cows produce the most of is called methane. According to globalcitizen.org, methane is 84 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, which is the "primary culprit (globalcitizen.org)" of climate change.
Because each cow produces 100 kilograms of methane each year (TRT World), they are considered to be responsible for around two-thirds of the ammonia emissions produced into our atmosphere today, causing problems with climate change globally.
According to globalcitizen.org, ammonia is harmful to water animals and fertile soil; however, another huge problem is the acid rain the ammonia produces. With the global meat consumption increasing substantially (the US eats seven times more meat than we did back in 1950), methane gas increases rapidly, causing more acid rain to exist in our environment.
In the YouTube Video created by TRT World, they make a statement saying that "...each cow's emissions are the same as burning 1,000 litres of petrol (gas) every year," and that cows are responsible for 18% of greenhouse gases worldwide.
It may not seem like something as small as cow farts cause so many emissions into our atmosphere, but the facts do not lie. With the global population increasing every year, this only means the amount of cow meat produced will increase.
If the production of cow meat increases like the scientists predict, this only leads to catastrophic results for our world. Even if the methane cows produce isn't biggest problem, having small changes in your diet can drastically make a difference for future generations.
If you would like to know more information about this topic, the article from Global Citizen could be found at this website: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/5-reasons... and the YouTube video from TRT World could be found following this link: https://youtu.be/26qzmw_xG58
Even the smallest difference in your routine, such as practicing 'Meatless Mondays' could drastically change the way the world produces greenhouse gases. Every person can do their part!