The semester is almost over. There are a total of two weeks left before exam week. Two. Weeks. This is the later that you never thought would actually come. If you're not freaking out then you either stayed on top of everything or you are still in denial. Me, I'm trying so hard to stay in denial but with all of the dues dates coming up, it's becoming difficult. Of course for a few weeks, I was totally ignorant to the fact that the end was coming. Those were the best weeks. Here are the stages that lead up to the end of the semester as told by That 70s Show.
You're in your own happy little world with no clue that everything is about to take a turn for the worse.
You find out there are ONLY TWO WEEKS until exam week
Initial Panic
You're just trying to cope any way you can.
Anything sounds better than actually getting things done.
Full Out Avoidance
What assignments? You don't have any assignments due. People should stop trying to tell you that you have something called assignments due.
You totally still have time.
Everything upsets you, but especially the people who didn't procrastinate and are actually prepared for the end of the semester.
Feeling Overwhelmed
Quiz on Monday, presentation on Tuesday, three essays due on Thursday. It's cool, you're good, not freaking out at all.
Considering other Life Paths
Well, college isn't your thing but maybe a life of easy crime is?
Oh no, you were wrong. It's here. You have to do things and there is no time!
Time to buckle down and get shit done.
Or Not
There's no hope, might as well enjoy the end.