There are two ways to look at junior year of college: halfway gone or halfway there. Junior year brings a lot of mixed emotions because friendships are strong, but rent is very real. Internships are stressful, but you also turn 21. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages, so which way is better?
1. "Halfway Gone" -- Lifehouse
In the love/hate relationship between yourself and college, college has got one foot out the door while choking on the other. If you haven't been enjoying college so far, you can take a deep breath because it's almost over. Two years left. You can do it.
On the other hand, if you've been loving college, how have two years gone by already? Two years more isn't nearly enough! You're just starting to take interesting classes and take up leadership positions around campus, and lifelong friendships are just now being formed. Can you achieve all you want to in just two years?
Take a deep breath, and close your eyes. Be grateful for the two years you've had and for the full two years left to come. Cherish them. I've heard these are the best years of your life.
2. "Halfway There" -- Big Time Rush
The school phase of your life is almost over and the grown up part is so close to beginning! Junior year means moving off campus into an apartment and making your own food and paying rent. Junior year means core classes are over and you can finally start focusing on topics that you are passionate about. You are so close to starting the adult life you want to live! College is halfway over -- just two years left. You can do it!
On the other hand, you are halfway there. Shoot! Yes, your major is declared, but what if you still don't know what you want to do for a career? How do you go about getting an internship? Why aren't utilities free? The real world is approaching very quickly. It's hard to believe that just two years ago you were a baby freshman wearing your lanyard around campus and sitting with half of your class in the cafe because everyone was too nervous to go without 50 of their newly closest friends.
Stop. Take a few breath. Everything is okay. You have two years left, you can do it. Career services can lend you a hand with anything job-related. Be nostalgic, but also feel free to get excited about the future. Your future is bright, so don't spend too much time looking back.