People are obsessed with labels, they always have been and they probably always will be.
Yet surprisingly there is no definitive way to classify the population into two separate groups (in a mostly shallow way of course). I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately trying to figure out which is the most accurate way to do so and so far these are my front-runners. Which side are you on?
1. The Ones That Entertain vs. The Ones That Observe
I'm primarily paying homage to my girl Britney with this one but it still holds its own - it’s either your world and we’re just living in it or vice versa.
2. Those Who Like New York City in The Daytime vs. Night-Time
I'm not going to lie this one is also inspired by pop culture - but this time it's Sabrina Carpenter. Still - there's no argument that New York City during the day and at night have a completely different vibe. Some people just appreciate bright lights more than others. You get to pick what type of energy you like more.
3. Coffee Drinkers vs. Everyone Else
You either can’t function until you’re halfway through a pot of coffee or are superior to a caffeine dependency and wake up ready to rule the day (and if this is you I am completely jealous). Whether you replace coffee with tea, water, juice, or anything else you are a different breed than those who need coffee.
4. Beach People vs. Lake People
For this one I'll at least try to pretend why someone would ever consider themselves a lake person when the beach is an option. Back to the point - this one has more to do with where you live more than anything else, but plain and simple you either like inland bodies of water or coastal ones. You either appreciate surfing more or kayaking. You either rather collect sea glass or go cliff jumping. While both fun, your loyalty can only belong to just one.
5. Summer People vs. Winter People
You either spend all year waiting for it to get warmer or waiting for it to be colder. It’s either lemonade or hot chocolate, sandcastles or snow angels, tank tops or sweaters, and sometimes even windburn or sunburn.
This list is rather incomplete and definitely needs some improvement so make sure to let me know of any other groups of people you've noticed and where you fall in that group!