Bill and Melinda Gates annually release a yearly open letter, addressing their thoughts and opinions on the state of the world. This year, their topic was Two Superpowers We Wish We Had. Surprisingly, Mr. & Mrs. Gates had some very unorthodox answers, especially when super powers like invisibility and super strength exist. In short, their answers were "more time," and "more energy," to which they elaborate on the themes that tie in with their super powers. Originally being published in February of 2016, I had this letter fly under the radar for months. I decided to elaborate on what super power I wish I had; the ability to stop time.
Have you ever seen the movie "Click?" Adam Sandler's movie where he gets a remote that allows him to pause and fast forward time? That always sounds pretty cool. The ability to play with time not only is a science fiction nerd's dream, but would be refreshing. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours a week between two jobs. Being late would never be a problem, and if I could sleep out of time that would be lovely.
Think about the implications of time manipulation. More ways to enjoy family time, more ways to get things done. The possibilities can simply be put as limitless. With all the literal time in the world, everything can get done at a leisure-able pace. It's a shame what I would give up for this to be an actuality. Is my superpower as selfless as compared to Bill and Melinda Gates? Not really, it's more for my own personal gain.
However the question was left opened ended for a reason, so ask yourself: if you could have any super power you wished for, what would it be?