Halloween brought a lot of candy with it and has already left. November drew its first breath giving us a sign that signalizes the end of another year and the last chance to get all of those New Year resolutions in before the clock strikes 12 on December 31. Final exams are looming in the horizon and the prospect of Thanksgiving dinner is giving us at least one great homemade meal to look forward to this month. Pumpkin spice flavoring has invaded every single coffee, pancake, candy and everything else in between. These next months are critical, and my favorite, because we get to snuggle in sweaters (or if you live in Florida, in the idea of soft sweaters) and spend time with family. Granted, we also get to freak out about passing exams, traveling places, moving and graduating. This time can be stressful, but we need to step back and think about the great year we had.
Here are a couple of things you should start planning for before time runs out:
Do that thing you have been putting off for the entire year.
Whether it is skydiving or finding time to eat at that restaurant that everyone has been raving about, do it before the year ends. You will not regret it.
Check your list of resolutions.
You might still get to cross off a couple of those.
Fitness goals.
Whether it was to start eating healthier or exercising regularly, it is not too late to start.
Read a book.
Americans are reading less and lass every single year. Take the time to find a book that you are genuinely interested in and read it. You might be surprised at what you learn.
Write more.
I know that writing for school might have terminated any possibility of writing for you, but writing can be therapeutic. Sometimes getting your thoughts on paper is all you need to clear your head.
Take time to be by yourself.
Most of the time we are constantly searching to be with other people. We seem restless if we are not texting someone or planning to spend time with another person, and although this is good and necessary, it is also necessary to enjoy some free time alone, time where you do not have to constantly worry about another person. If you want to be in your pajamas and watch Netflix all day, do it. Go to the movies by yourself. Really spend time enjoying being by yourself. You will be surprised at how much you will come to need this alone time.