Growing up in a divorced family is something that’s always hard on someone. Around holidays, it’s the worst. It’s hard listening to your parents argue over who gets you Christmas Eve, or your mom telling you that your dad isn’t worthy of a Christmas present. You feel stuck in the middle, and like a toy being fought over.
Listening to your parents argue over the phone who gets you for Christmas is always the worst. You feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Where am I going to be for Christmas? I really just want it to be peaceful, and have the day broken up evenly. Spending time with both sides of my family is important, and I don’t want to be dragged in the middle.
Seeing your parent’s side of the family that you don't live with at Christmas dinner is always a little awkward. Yeah, we have our cousins and aunts that we’re close with, but some we’re not. It’s a fear that you moving to live with your other parent is going to be a dinner topic. Or that someone is going to confront you about it, and ask you why you moved.
It’s always uncomfortable not getting your parent the present they deserve because your other parent didn’t feel as if they deserved it. Both parents deserve gifts if they play an active and healthy role in your life. Telling us that our mom doesn’t deserve that Keurig makes us feel bad.
It takes one thing to go wrong during the holidays. Wanting to spend a few days of Christmas break at dad’s upsets mom, and vice versa. It’s not that we don’t want to spend time with them, we just want to be home. Jumping from house to house is exhausting.
New Year's: Do you go out and spend it with some friends? Or do you spend it with family? Sometimes, I feel like my holidays and breaks are my parents’ and not mine. I love them both, but I love my friends too. I want to spend my time off with them as well.
Holidays are always the toughest time of the year for me. I'm anxious and don’t enjoy it like everyone else does. Even though I get lots of love from both sides, it’s not the same as it was when my parents were together.