How did I get so lucky? Not only did I gain one best friend, but I gained two. Two people that would take a bullet for me and two people that would have my back no matter what. I am beyond blessed that I get to call these two amazing souls my best friends.
We met when we were just four years old and ever since we have been inseparable - attached at the hip, and every other synonym possible that you can think of. I am so thankful for having known you two for seventeen years (and counting). SEVENTEEN YEARS! It’s crazy how time flies and we grow out of our little sundresses and nap times. I can confidently say, I have finally learned how to share (because we know how difficult that was for me when we were younger). Seventeen years of unforgettable memories. Seventeen years of laughing until our cheeks hurt and we start believing we have six packs. Seventeen years of endless inside jokes that I have honestly lost track of. Seventeen years of getting through the hard times, the sad times, the confusing times, and the happy times - together. Most importantly, seventeen years of growth and seventeen years of forever friendship.
Being best friends with twins has truly changed my life in so many ways. For one, they consider me the third twin and I consider myself the third twin. Yep, that’s right just call us triplets. They keep me sane when I think I am losing my mind. They teach me to be patient - I mean they have to when they make me wait forever when we make plans to leave at 6 and they don’t show up to my house until 7. They teach me that although it may seem like nothing is ok at the moment, eventually everything will be ok. They teach me to be confident. They accept me for who I am and they accept all my flaws. They are one of my biggest supporters, my go-to therapists, and my sisters.
Having twins as your soulmates is honestly a gift from God. You have two people to run to when you feel like the whole world is crashing down on you. You have two people to give you advice and guide you in the best possible direction. You have two people who care so much about you that if you’re having a crisis and you call one of them in the middle of the night and she doesn’t answer, the other one is bound to be awake. You have two people that regardless of all the little fights and misunderstandings you have, you know nothing can tear you guys apart. You can't live without them and they can't live without you. You have two people that love you with their whole hearts and with every fiber of their being.
Two is better than one. We have been through so many ups and downs, so many obstacles, and so many adventures but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My best friends are my forever friends and forever has no end. There is no way I could imagine life without these two amazing, kind-hearted souls. If you have twins as your best friends or if you have a best friend in general, don’t ever take them for granted - cherish every moment and thank them for being in your life.