Twitter's New 10K Character Limit Might Actually Happen | The Odyssey Online
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Twitter's New 10K Character Limit Might Actually Happen

Why isn't 140 characters enough?

Twitter's New 10K Character Limit Might Actually Happen

For almost a decade, Twitter has been one of the most popular social media websites. The famous social media service is always at the palm of our hands letting us write in under 140 characters what we think and see. Twitter’s format made the use of hashtags popular which led to the creation of the trending topics sidebar, making it easy for their users to keep up with what was going on around them or the world. Tweets are possible to retweet and favorite but recently they have changed the favorite option to “like.” Many users didn’t like the change because Twitter was known for their tweets being favorited, unlike Facebook.

Now, Twitter has been the center of attention lately after reports said that its character limit will have an update changing the limit to 10,000 characters. This social media service is known for challenging users to get to the point with only 140 characters which is why it makes it so popular among the young generation. Today’s generation have short attention spam and most don’t read often which is why users have tweeted their outrage under the hashtag #Twitter10K.

According to reports, we still would only see the first 140 characters when you're scrolling through your feed, but then you would click to expand it and see all of this other text. The company isn't confirming anything about the alleged update. The CEO of twitter, Jack Dorsey, tweeted a screen shot of a long note saying, "What if that text… was actually text? Text that could be searched. Text that could be highlighted. That’s more utility and power.” Dorsey went on to say that “What makes Twitter, Twitter is its fast, public, live conversational nature. We will always work to strengthen that.”

In his note Twitter’s CEO sounds like the update is actually in process. It is reaffirming the first report by RE/code, which said Twitter is targeting a launch date toward the end of the first quarter of this year for the product… according to multiple sources familiar with the company's plans.

The possible update could be a good idea. Longer tweets would make celebrity Twitter feuds more interesting.

It is also a good idea for businesses to promote their product since Twitter ads are not often used. And as Forbes mentioned, a larger limit lets us have a conversation with multiple people without having their twitter handles taking up too many characters.

Keep in my that as a social media service grows, changes will come along. When Instagram incorporated videos many said it was imitating Vine since it was best known for just sharing pictures but we learned to accept it and love it. It’s hard to accept the changes that might come for Twitter because we fell in love with the idea of having a limit. Now if it comes, it comes and we’ll probably learn to like it.

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